Wat is aluminiumfoelie vir houers?

Aluminiumfoelie vir houers is 'n tipe aluminiumfoelie wat spesiaal ontwerp is vir voedselverpakking en -berging.

Dit word algemeen gebruik om weggooibare koshouers te maak, skinkborde, en panne vir maklike vervoer en vir kook, bak, en kos bedien.

Aluminiumfoelie vir houers, dikwels genoem aluminium koshouers of aluminiumfoelie kosbakke, is designed to meet specific requirements for food packaging.

Aluminium foil for containers is usually made from a thin sheet of aluminium coated with a thin layer of plastic or wax to provide extra strength and prevent food from sticking to the foil. Aluminum foil for containers is then rolled into large rolls, which are then cut and formed into the shape and size required for a particular container.

Advantages of using aluminum foil as a container

It is lightweight and easy to transport, making it a popular choice for takeout and delivery services.

It is also heat and moisture-resistant and can be easily molded to fit the shape of the food being packaged.

Daarby, aluminium foil for containers is recyclable and an environmentally friendly choice for food packaging.

Aluminum foil specifications for containers

The specifications of aluminum foil used in containers can vary depending on the use scenario, but here are some common specifications and characteristics:

Allooi: The most commonly used aluminum alloy for food containers is 3003, of 8011.

Dikte: Aluminum foil for containers is typically 0.03 mm (30 mikrons) aan 0.2 mm (200 mikrons) dik.

Coatings: Some aluminum foils for containers may have a food-safe coating or lining, which may include a heat-seal paint or polymer film.

Status: Most commonly H22 or H24.

Bosselering: Embossing can add rigidity to a container and make it more visually appealing.

Verpakking: Aluminum foil for containers usually comes in rolls or pre-sliced packages.

Hoekom ons kies?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Bpk. is die leier van baie aluminium vervaardigers en verskaffers in China. Ons beheer die kwaliteit streng en fokus op kliënte. Ons hoop om in-diepte samewerking met u te hê en u voorsien van hoë kwaliteit aluminium materiaal produkte persoonlike OEM dienste. As jy die nuutste en beste pryse per kg of per ton standaardgewig wil kry, kontak ons ​​asseblief.

Produksielyn van aluminiumfoelie


  • Pakket: Hout kis
  • Standaard Houtkas spesifikasie: Lengte*Breedte*Hoogte=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Sodra nodig,houtkasafmeting kan herontwerp word soos benodig.
  • Per houtkas Bruto gewig skaal: 500-700KG netto gewig: 450-650KG
  • Opmerking: Vir spesiale verpakkingsvereistes, ooreenstemmende sal dienooreenkomstig bygevoeg word.