Watter aluminiumlegering is die beste vir huishoudelike aluminiumfoelie?

Watter aluminiumlegering is die beste vir huishoudelike aluminiumfoelie?

Wat is huishoudelike foelie?

Huishoudelike foelie, ook genoem huishoudelike aluminiumfoelie en algemeen na verwys as aluminiumfoelie, is 'n dun vel aluminium wat vir 'n verskeidenheid huishoudelike doeleindes gebruik word. Dit het 'n moet-hê vir baie huishoudings geword vanweë sy veelsydigheid, duursaamheid, en gerief.

Huishoudelike aluminiumfoelie word gewoonlik van aluminiumlegering gemaak, which combines the characteristics of pure aluminum with the advantages of additional elements to improve functionality. The most commonly used alloy for household aluminum foil is 8011 aluminiumlegering.

Main properties of 8011 aluminiumfoelie legering:

1. Good formability: 8011 aluminum alloy has excellent formability, which can be rolled into very thin sheets, which is essential for aluminum foil applications.
2. Korrosie weerstand: This alloy has strong corrosion resistance, which is important for food storage and packaging.
3. High ductility: 8011 alloy has high ductility, making it easy to form and wrap around various objects.
4. Heat resistance: It can withstand high temperatures and is suitable for cooking applications such as baking and grilling.
5. Nie-giftig en veilig: It is non-toxic and safe for food use.


8011 aluminum alloy usually includes:
– **Aluminium (Al)**: 97.5% – 99%
– **Iron (Fe)**: 0.6% – 1%
– **Silicon (En)**: 0.5% – 0.9%
– **Other elements**: small amounts of elements such as manganese (Mn), koper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and magnesium (Mg).

These characteristics and composition make 8011 aluminum alloy the most suitable choice for household aluminum foil.