What is aluminum foil for wrapping

Aluminum foil for wrapping is a thin, flexible sheet of aluminum that is commonly used for wrapping food items or other objects for storage or transportation. It is made from a sheet of aluminum that has been rolled out to a desired thickness and then processed through a series of rollers to give it the desired strength and flexibility.

Aluminum foil for wrapping is available in various sizes and thicknesses, depending on the specific application and requirements. It is commonly used to wrap food items, напрыклад, бутэрброды, fruits, гародніна, і рэшткі ежы, to help keep them fresh and prevent spoilage. It can also be used to wrap other objects, such as gifts, flowers, or fragile items, for protection during transportation or storage.

Advantages of aluminum foil for wrapping

One of the main advantages of using aluminum foil for wrapping is its ability to create a tight seal around the wrapped item, helping to prevent moisture, паветра, and other contaminants from entering and causing spoilage. Aluminum foil is also heat-resistant and can be used to wrap hot food items without melting or transferring any harmful chemicals to the food.


Аднак, it is important to note that aluminum foil should not be used with acidic or salty foods, as these can cause the aluminum to leach into the food and potentially pose health risks. Additionally, care should be taken to avoid using aluminum foil in microwave ovens, as it can cause sparking and potentially start a fire.

Aluminum foil for wrapping specification

Aluminum foil can be used in many packaging scenarios, у тым ліку medicinal алюмініевая фальга і харчовая ўпакоўка, and is widely used. Different ways of packaging require different aluminum foil specifications.

Таўшчыня: Aluminum foil comes in a variety of thicknesses, usually measured in micrometers (мкм). Thicker foils are more durable and better suited for heavy-duty applications like grilling or baking, while thinner foils are good for wrapping and storing food. Common thicknesses for home use range from 10 каб 20 мікрон (0.4 каб 0.8 mils).

Width and Length: Common widths of aluminum foil rolls are 12 цаляў (30 см) і 18 цаляў (45 см). Lengths range from 25 каб 200 ногі (7.5 каб 60 метраў) or more.

Тып: Choose the right foil type based on your specific needs, such as standard foil, heavy-duty foil, non-stick foil, grill foil or sheet foil.

Color: Silver, or colored aluminum foil for special application. Colored foil is not usually used for cooking, but can be used for crafts or gift wrap.

Ўпакоўка: cardboard box or roll.


Food wrapping: шакалад, sandwich, burger etc

Чаму выбіраюць нас?

Кампанія Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., ТАА. з'яўляецца лідэрам многіх вытворцаў і пастаўшчыкоў алюмінію ў Кітаі. Мы строга кантралюем якасць і арыентуемся на кліентаў. Мы спадзяемся на паглыбленае супрацоўніцтва з вамі і прадастаўленне вам высакаякасных вырабаў з алюмініевых матэрыялаў на заказ OEM-паслуг. Калі вы хочаце атрымаць самыя новыя і лепшыя цэны за кг або стандартную вагу за тону, калі ласка, звяжыцеся з намі.

Лінія па вытворчасці алюмініевай фальгі


  • Пакет: Драўляны корпус
  • Спецыфікацыя стандартнага драўлянага корпуса: Даўжыня*Шырыня*Вышыня=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
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  • Шкала брута на драўляны футляр: 500-700КГ Вага нета: 450-650KG
  • Заўвага: Для асаблівых патрабаванняў да ўпакоўкі, адпаведны дадаецца адпаведна.