Прычына дзіркі ў працэсе вытворчасці алюмініевай фальгі?

Прычына дзіркі ў працэсе вытворчасці алюмініевай фальгі?

Дзірка з алюмініевай фальгі мае два асноўныя фактары, адзін - матэрыял, іншы - спосаб апрацоўкі.

1. Няправільны матэрыял і хімічны склад прывядуць да непасрэднага ўплыву на ўтрыманне дзіркі ў падробленай алюмініевай фальзе Fe і Si. Fe>2.5, Інтэрметаліды Al і Fe маюць тэндэнцыю ўтвараць грубыя злучэнні. Алюмініевая фальга схільная да дзіркі пры каландрировании, Fe і Si будуць узаемадзейнічаць, утвараючы трывалае злучэнне. The number of pinholes in 1060 pure aluminum foil is much larger than that in 1035 foil, because the Fe and Si content of 1035 pure aluminum is much higher than that of 1060. But in aluminum foil Ti content >O time. 05, easy to form hard TiB2. The compound is brittle during rolling, which also causes many pinholes. Material surface The horizontal billet surface is scratched, or the surface has severe corrosion spots and metal extrusion. These problems will produce more pinholes or even holes with the thinning of rolling thickness. The material casting process mainly consists of some external particles and dust, as well as bubbles and oxide film. As the rolling thickness becomes thinner, the bubbles are crushed into pinholes, and the oxide film eventually falls off the foil surface, forming pinholes.

алюмініевая фальга

2, when the processing method tension is too large, the front slip value is greatly reduced, easy to lead to inconsistency between the roller and aluminum foil. If the aluminum foil surface slips at this time, it will distort the surface and greatly increase the probability of pinhole. There are some small solid particles in the rolling oil, which can easily lead to pinholes in aluminum foil. These particles must be filtered to remove, but in practical filtration, the ash content of the rolled oil tends to exceed a certain range, which can easily lead to pinholes. Акрамя таго, the flow of oil through the filter must be greater than the flow of cooling oil, but in fact, dirty oil often reflux, rolling oil viscosity is too large, eventually make the aluminum foil pockmarked, the rougher the more likely to lead to pinhole.