Paper d'alumini per a vaixella d'un sol ús

Today, amb el ràpid desenvolupament econòmic i la millora contínua de la qualitat de vida, el paper d'alumini per a vaixella d'un sol ús s'utilitza cada cop més sovint a la vida diària.

Reasons for aluminum foil for disposable tableware

Aluminum foil for disposable tableware can be waterproof, mantenir la frescor, prevenir bacteris i taques, and maintain flavor and freshness.

The main material of aluminum foil lunch boxes is aluminum foil. The surface of the aluminum foil has a dense oxide layer. The chemical properties of this oxide layer are relatively very stable. As long as it is not in a strong acid environment, aluminum ions will not precipitate.

Aluminum foil for disposable tableware can be recycled, reducing pollution and saving resources, which is a very wise choice.

Paper d'alumini per a vaixella d'un sol ús
Paper d'alumini per a vaixella d'un sol ús

Production process of aluminum foil for disposable tableware

De fet, it is 3000 series or 8000 series aluminum ingot raw material.

After cold rolling or hot rolling, it becomes an aluminum foil master roll with uniform thickness, smooth surface, no pinholes, no dust particles, and no odor.

It is a one-time fully automatic cold stamping production process with special equipment and molds.

What material is aluminum foil?

Aluminum foil is a thin metal material processed from pure aluminum or aluminum alloy. It is often used in packaging, conservació, heat and sound insulation and other fields. Aluminum foil has the following characteristics:

    • 1. Thin and light: The thickness of aluminum foil is generally between 0.006mm and 0.2mm, which is very thin compared to other metal materials, so it is light in weight. This makes aluminum foil widely used in the packaging field, such as for packaging food, medicament, etc.
    • 2. Bon segellat: Aluminum foil has good sealing performance, which can effectively prevent moisture, oxigen, bacteria and other external substances from entering, thereby maintaining the freshness and taste of food.
    • 3. Conductivitat tèrmica: Aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and can effectively conduct heat. Per tant, it is often used as a heat insulation material during the cooking process, which can help food be heated evenly and improve the cooking effect.
    • 4. Good sound insulation: Aluminum foil can effectively isolate the transmission of sound and is often used in building materials, such as soundproof wall panels, roof insulation materials, etc.
    • 5. Strong oxidation resistance: Aluminum foil has good antioxidant properties and is not easy to oxidize and rust. This makes it effective in food packaging to protect the quality and nutritional content of food.

In addition to the above characteristics, aluminum foil also has the characteristics of recyclability and plasticity, which can be recycled and reused to save resources. Aluminum foil materials play an important role in industrial production and daily life, and have broad application prospects in packaging, construcció, aerospace and other industries.

Per què triar-nos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. és el líder de molts fabricants i proveïdors d'alumini a la Xina. Controlem estrictament la qualitat i ens centrem en els clients. Esperem tenir una cooperació profunda amb vostè i oferir-vos productes d'alumini d'alta qualitat serveis personalitzats d'OEM. Si voleu obtenir els preus més nous i millors per kg o per tona de pes estàndard, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.

Línia de producció de paper d'alumini


  • paquet: Estoig de fusta
  • Especificació estàndard de la caixa de fusta: Longitud * Amplada * Alt = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Un cop necessari,La mida de la caixa de fusta es podria redissenyar segons sigui necessari.
  • Per caixa de fusta Bàscula de pes brut: 500-700KG pes net: 450-650KG
  • Observació: Per a requisits especials d'embalatge, corresponent s'afegiran en conseqüència.