What is aluminum foil for duct

Aluminum foil for ducts, també conegut com a paper d'alumini HVAC, és un tipus de paper d'alumini que està dissenyat i fabricat específicament per al seu ús en calefacció, ventilació, i aire condicionat (HVAC) sistemes. Normalment s'utilitza com a embolcall de conductes o com a revestiment de conductes, proporcionant aïllament i protecció a les conductes.

The main purpose of using aluminum foil for ducts is to enhance the thermal efficiency of the HVAC system. The foil helps to reduce heat loss or gain, and also prevents the penetration of moisture, dust, and other contaminants into the ductwork.

Aluminum foil for ducts is made from high-quality aluminum, which is then coated with a layer of specially formulated adhesive and laminated to a layer of kraft paper or other backing material. The adhesive used in this foil is typically resistant to high temperatures, humidity, and other environmental factors that are common in HVAC systems.

The foil is available in different thicknesses and widths, depending on the specific application and requirements of the ductwork. It can also be customized with various features, such as fire resistance, sound insulation, and vapor retardation.

Why choose aluminum foil for duct?

Aluminum foil is a popular choice for ductwork for several reasons:

1. Light weight: Aluminum is a lightweight material that is easy to handle and install. This is especially important for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

2. Resistència a la corrosió: Aluminum has strong corrosion resistance even in humid environments. This means that aluminum pipes are less likely to rust or deteriorate over time than other materials like steel.

3. Conductivitat tèrmica: Aluminum has good thermal conductivity, which means it can transfer heat efficiently. This is important for HVAC systems where temperature control is critical.

4. Reflectivity: Aluminum foil can reflect heat and light. This is beneficial in certain HVAC applications where you want to minimize heat gain or heat loss.

5. Air Tightness: Aluminum foil is often used as a vapor barrier in ductwork because it creates an air-tight seal when properly installed. This helps prevent air leakage, thereby improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

Per què triar-nos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. és el líder de molts fabricants i proveïdors d'alumini a la Xina. Controlem estrictament la qualitat i ens centrem en els clients. Esperem tenir una cooperació profunda amb vostè i oferir-vos productes d'alumini d'alta qualitat serveis personalitzats d'OEM. Si voleu obtenir els preus més nous i millors per kg o per tona de pes estàndard, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.

Línia de producció de paper d'alumini


  • paquet: Estoig de fusta
  • Especificació estàndard de la caixa de fusta: Longitud * Amplada * Alt = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Un cop necessari,La mida de la caixa de fusta es podria redissenyar segons sigui necessari.
  • Per caixa de fusta Bàscula de pes brut: 500-700KG pes net: 450-650KG
  • Observació: Per a requisits especials d'embalatge, corresponent s'afegiran en conseqüència.