What is aluminum foil for inner tank

Aluminum foil for inner tank refers to a method of making inner tank, és a dir, El material de paper d'alumini s'utilitza quan es fa el dipòsit interior. Un revestiment es refereix a un contenidor, s'utilitza habitualment per emmagatzemar o cuinar aliments. El paper d'alumini és prim, material metàl·lic mal·leable fet d'aliatge d'alumini que s'utilitza sovint en envasos d'aliments i estris de cuina.

The advantage of using aluminum foil for the inner tank is that the aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and anti-corrosion properties, so it can effectively conduct heat and prevent the chemical reaction between the food and the inner tank, thereby ensuring the quality and taste of the food. A més, aluminum foil also has the advantages of lightness, easy processing and low cost, so it is widely used in making inner tanks.

Paper d'alumini per a revestiment

Liner aluminum foil production standard requirements

  • Material standard: The aluminum foil material of the liner should meet the relevant national standards, com ara “Paper d'alumini, Aluminum Foil Film and Aluminum Foil Paper Packaging Materials” (GB/T 3198-2010) and other standards, which require the material to have good corrosion resistance, resistència mecànica, and no odor and other characteristics.
  • Manufacturing standard: The manufacturing of aluminum foil for the inner tank should comply with the relevant national manufacturing standards, com ara “Code for Mechanical Processing of Aluminum Alloy Materials” (GB/T 6892-2006) and other standards, which require that the manufacturing process should meet the technical specifications and requirements of processing equipment , to ensure the size of the inner tank aluminum foil, internal flatness and surface quality requirements.
  • Food contact standard: The aluminum foil material of the liner should meet the relevant standards of food contact materials, com ara “Food Contact Metal Materials and Products” (GB 4806.1-2016) and other standards, to ensure that the aluminum foil material of the liner will not pollute and harm food.
  • Safety standards: The manufacture of aluminum foil for the inner tank should comply with safety standards, such as theProduct Quality Lawand other standards, to ensure that the aluminum foil products for the inner tank are safe and reliable during use, and will not cause harm to the human body and the environment.

Aluminum foil for liner application advantages

1. Product application pressure balance

2. Aluminum foil has long service life

3. Able to provide a variety of sizes to choose from

4. Good product stability

5.Easy to seal

Per què triar-nos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. és el líder de molts fabricants i proveïdors d'alumini a la Xina. Controlem estrictament la qualitat i ens centrem en els clients. Esperem tenir una cooperació profunda amb vostè i oferir-vos productes d'alumini d'alta qualitat serveis personalitzats d'OEM. Si voleu obtenir els preus més nous i millors per kg o per tona de pes estàndard, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.

Línia de producció de paper d'alumini


  • paquet: Estoig de fusta
  • Especificació estàndard de la caixa de fusta: Longitud * Amplada * Alt = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Un cop necessari,La mida de la caixa de fusta es podria redissenyar segons sigui necessari.
  • Per caixa de fusta Bàscula de pes brut: 500-700KG pes net: 450-650KG
  • Observació: Per a requisits especials d'embalatge, corresponent s'afegiran en conseqüència.