Rotlle de paper d'alumini per cuinar aliments

Aluminum foil is a product with a very wide range of uses. Segons l'ús de paper d'alumini, es pot dividir en paper d'alumini industrial i paper d'alumini domèstic.

El rotllo de paper d'alumini per coure és un paper d'alumini per a ús diari. El paper d'alumini s'utilitza àmpliament a la vida diària, com la producció de carmanyoles de paper d'alumini, envasos d'aliments, envasos farmacèutics, etc.

Rotlle de paper d'alumini per cuinar aliments
Rotlle de paper d'alumini per cuinar aliments

These aluminum foils need to use food-grade aluminum foil and are not allowed to contain too many harmful substances to the human body.

Alloys of baking food aluminum foil roll

8011 food grade aluminum foil

8011 is a chain of aluminum alloys, belonging to the 8 ××× collection alloys, with the addition of Al-Fe-Si elements. Alloying residences that exceed 1% of the total variety of alloying factors have corresponding benefits. 8011 is usually used to make aluminum foil. Its performance is higher than pure aluminum foil. It is widely used in aluminum foil. 8011 baking food aluminum foil roll is a hot manufactured from our company.

Huawei can process 8011 paper d'alumini with a thickness of zero.008-zero.2mm. Paper d'alumini 8011 is especially utilized in pharmaceutical packaging, envasos d'aliments, cable foil, yogurt cowl material, wine label foil and other fields.

ICuMgZnMnCrFeTiOtherOther totalAl
0.50 ~ 0.90 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.050.60 ~ 1.0 0.08 0.05 0.15remainder

Due to the good character of anti-corrosion, non-poisonous, impermeable, sense gust, greaseproof, and durable.

Aluminum tin foils are widely used in many fields, such as for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, decoració, hairdressing, and other sectors.

Our factory is a professional manufacturer of aluminium foil products.

8021 food grade aluminum foil

8021 aluminum foil is primarily made of an alloy of aluminum, ferro, and silicon. It is a high-performance aluminum foil, and these alloys are added to improve its strength and flexibility.

ICuMgZnMnCrFeTiOtherOther totalAl
0.5-0.9 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.05 0.6-1.0 0.08 0.05 0.15remainder

The surface of the aluminum foil bag generally has the characteristics of reflective luster, does not absorb light, and is made of multiple layers.

Per tant, the baking food aluminum foil roll paper not only has good shading, but also has strong isolation, and because there is aluminum in it, it also has good oil resistance and softness.

Food grade aluminum foil application
Food grade aluminum foil application

Compared with plastic bags, food grade aluminum foil for food have no poison and no special smell, cling wrap can keep food fresh. It is definitely a green product and environmental protection product.

Per què triar-nos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. és el líder de molts fabricants i proveïdors d'alumini a la Xina. Controlem estrictament la qualitat i ens centrem en els clients. Esperem tenir una cooperació profunda amb vostè i oferir-vos productes d'alumini d'alta qualitat serveis personalitzats d'OEM. Si voleu obtenir els preus més nous i millors per kg o per tona de pes estàndard, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.

Línia de producció de paper d'alumini


  • paquet: Estoig de fusta
  • Especificació estàndard de la caixa de fusta: Longitud * Amplada * Alt = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Un cop necessari,La mida de la caixa de fusta es podria redissenyar segons sigui necessari.
  • Per caixa de fusta Bàscula de pes brut: 500-700KG pes net: 450-650KG
  • Observació: Per a requisits especials d'embalatge, corresponent s'afegiran en conseqüència.