Pharmaceutical easy-tear aluminum strip foil is a common pharmaceutical packaging material, generalment s'utilitza per envasar productes farmacèutics com ara pastilles i càpsules orals. Té els avantatges d'un esquinçament fàcil, bon segellat, resistència a la humitat, i resistència a l'oxidació, que poden protegir eficaçment la qualitat i la seguretat dels medicaments.
Pharmaceutical easy-tear aluminum strip foil is usually composed of two layers of materials: one layer is aluminum foil layer for moisture and oxidation resistance; the other layer is heat-sealable layer for sealing and easy tearing.
Gruix: alu foil ( 30 – 50 micrion ), PE ( 30 micres, 35 micres ), Compound glue ( 4.5 – 5 micres )
It is a very important drug packaging material in medicine, health care products and other industries.
It uses two layers of medicinal strip packaging film (SP) to sandwich the medicines. The distance between the unit medicines is a certain interval. The inside of the two SP films near the medicines are heat-sealed on the strip vacuum packaging equipment. A form of unit packaging formed by pressing tooth marks in between. Strip packaging is continuous work on strip vacuum packaging equipment, which is especially suitable for large-volume automatic packaging. When taking medicines, you can tear the SP film along the tooth marks, so that taking one dose of medicines will not affect the packaging and storage of other medicines. For some pharmaceutical packaging of larger dosage forms, such packaging can be used for medicines that require strong moisture absorption, UV protection, heat and cold resistance, and a long validity period.
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