Know more about medicine aluminum foil

Medicine Aluminum Foil is a special-purpose aluminum foil that is usually used for packaging pharmaceuticals. A materia prima hè ancu una lega d'aluminiu. Dopu à u trattamentu, e so proprietà sò assai diffirenti da altri tipi di fogli d'aluminiu, è pò esse bè appiicata à l'industria farmaceutica.


Medicine aluminum foil material properties

Aluminum foil used for pharmaceutical packaging has many pharmaceutical alloy properties.

1. Medicine aluminum foil has high purity characteristics and may cause contamination or adverse reactions to medicines.
2. Aluminum medicine foil has excellent barrier properties, which can effectively prevent the impact of moisture, luce, oxygen and other external factors on medicines, ensuring the quality of medicines and extending their storage time to the greatest extent.
3. Medicine aluminum foil has high safety. The chemical properties of aluminum foil are stable and will not react chemically with medicines.
4. Medicinal aluminum foil is easy to seal and can effectively reduce external contamination of medicines.
5. Medicinal foil has good printability and can easily print label information such as drug information, brand name and instructions for use.

Equivalent name of pharmaceutical aluminum foil blister

  • Watery Eyes
  • PTP (Press Through Packaging).

Pharmaceutical blister aluminum foil

Foglia d'aluminiu per imballaggio farmaceuticu (foglia d'aluminiu PTP), in English is Press ThroughPackaging, which literally translates topackaging through pressure.
In Europa, it is expressed as Push-through Foil, which is literally translated asopenable aluminum foil”.

4 forms of medicinal PTP aluminum foil:

(1) Protective layer (OP)/outer printed layer/aluminum foil base material (AL)/inner printed layer/adhesive layer (VC)
(2) Protective layer (OP)/aluminum foil base material (AL)/inner printing layer/adhesive layer (VC)
(3) Protective layer (OP)/outer printing layer/aluminum foil base material (AL)/adhesive layer (VC)
(4) Protective layer (OP)/aluminum foil base material (AL)/adhesive layer (VC)

Function of aluminum foil medicinal OP layer:

(1) Protect the ink layer from falling off and increase the temperature of the blister;
(2) Prevent the outer ink from contacting the inner adhesive and contaminating the medicine;
(3) Prevent oxidation and deterioration of the aluminum foil surface.

Medicine aluminum foil supplier

Huawei Aluminum Foil is a professional manufacturer of medicinal aluminum foil. We have a purification workshop with a level of more than 300,000 and a clean factory environment.
The internal surfaces of Huawei Factory are made of materials that are flat and smooth, have tight joints, have no particles falling off, and are resistant to cleaning and disinfection. The curved junction between the wall and the floor reduces dust accumulation and facilitates cleaning.
We can provide you with medicinal aluminum foil in various specifications.

Perchè sceglie noi?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. hè u capu di parechji fabricatori è fornitori d'aluminiu in Cina. Cuntrollemu strettamente a qualità è fucalizza nantu à i clienti. Speremu d'avè una cooperazione profonda cun voi è vi furnisce i prudutti di materiale d'aluminiu di alta qualità servizii OEM persunalizati. Se vulete acquistà i prezzi più novi è megliu per kg o per tonnellata di pesu standard, per piacè cuntattateci.

Linea di pruduzzioni di carta d'aluminiu


  • Pacchettu: Casu di lignu
  • Specifica standard di casu di legnu: Lunghezza * Larghezza * Altezza = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Una volta necessariu,A dimensione di u casu di legnu puderia esse riprogettata cum'è necessariu.
  • Per casu di lignu Scala di Peso Grossu: 500-700Pesu Nettu KG: 450-650KG
  • Rimarca: Per esigenze speciali di imballaggio, currispundenti sarà aghjuntu in cunseguenza.