What is aluminum foil for induction

Aluminum foil for induction is a special aluminium foil material with the function of electromagnetic induction heating. Det bruges almindeligvis til at forsegle lågene på flasker, krukker eller andre beholdere til steril, lufttæt emballage.

Desuden, aluminiumsfolie til sensing har også fordelene ved nem betjening, høj effektivitet og miljøbeskyttelse.

The working principle of aluminum foil for induction

Based on the principle of induction heating. When placed in an induction heating device, induction foil absorbs energy from a high-frequency electromagnetic field and converts it into heat, which heats up rapidly. When sealing the container, the aluminum foil for induction can be tightly combined with the mouth of the container through heat sealing and pressure, thus forming a complete seal, avoiding the entry of external air and bacteria.

Source: Wikipedia

What is the aluminium foil alloy used for aluminum foil for induction

1 serie (rent aluminium), 3 serie (aluminium alloy with high Mn content), 8 serie (aluminum alloy containing iron, silicium, tin and other elements), osv.

Generelt set, aluminum alloys containing elements such as iron and silicon can improve the induction heating effect of aluminum foil, so that sealed packaging can be achieved faster. Imidlertid, too high iron content may affect the flexibility and ductility of aluminium foil, so a balance needs to be considered when selecting an aluminium alloy.

Application of Aluminium Foil for Induction

It is widely used in the fields of food, medicin, cosmetics, osv., because it can provide sterile airtight packaging, thereby extending the shelf life and stability of the product.
aluminum foil induction liner
induction aluminum foil

Hvorfor vælge os?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. er leder af mange aluminiumsproducenter og leverandører i Kina. Vi kontrollerer strengt kvaliteten og fokuserer på kunderne. Vi håber at have et dybtgående samarbejde med dig og give dig højkvalitets aluminiumsmaterialeprodukter tilpassede OEM-tjenester. Hvis du ønsker at få de nyeste og bedste priser pr. kg eller pr. ton standardvægt, kontakt os venligst.

Produktionslinje af aluminiumsfolie


  • Pakke: Trækasse
  • Standard trækassespecifikation: Længde*Bredde*Højde=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • En gang nødvendigt,dimension af trækasse kunne omdesignes efter behov.
  • Pr. trækasse Bruttovægtskala: 500-700KG Nettovægt: 450-650KG
  • Bemærkning: Til specielle emballagekrav, tilsvarende tilføjes tilsvarende.