Μην χρησιμοποιείτε ποτέ αλουμινόχαρτο με αυτόν τον τρόπο, αλλιώς θα είναι φωτιά!

Μην χρησιμοποιείτε ποτέ αλουμινόχαρτο με αυτόν τον τρόπο, αλλιώς θα είναι φωτιά!

Το αλουμινόχαρτο χρησιμοποιείται συχνά στην καθημερινότητά μας, ειδικά όταν χρησιμοποιούμε φούρνο μικροκυμάτων για να ζεσταίνουμε γρήγορα τα τρόφιμα. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί αλουμινόχαρτο σε φούρνο μικροκυμάτων? Είναι ασφαλές να γίνει αυτό?

Προσέξτε τη διαφορά στη λειτουργία του φούρνου μικροκυμάτων, επειδή διαφορετική λειτουργία λειτουργίας, Η αρχή θέρμανσης του είναι εντελώς διαφορετική, και τα σκεύη που χρησιμοποιούνται είναι επίσης διαφορετικά. Now the market in addition to the microwave oven heating function, some also have the function of oven.

Oven mode is a kind of heating element that can heat the air and food in the oven after the oven is electrified. The heating tube has only one power. When the required temperature is reached in the oven, the heating tube will be cut off. When the oven is cooled down gradually, the heating tube will be powered on and heated again, so as to ensure the constant temperature in the oven.

The function of microwave heating is to use food to heat itself by absorbing microwave energy in microwave field. The microwave generated by the microwave generator in the microwave oven establishes a microwave electric field in the microwave oven cavity. Some measures are taken to make the microwave electric field evenly distributed in the oven cavity. Food is put into the microwave electric field, and the cooking time and the intensity of the microwave electric field are controlled by the control center to carry out various cooking processes.

Επομένως, metal containers cannot be used in microwave mode, because the aluminum foil placed in the oven will generate electric sparks and reflect microwave when heated in the microwave oven, which not only damages the furnace body but also cannot heat food, and there is a potential fire hazard.

In the oven mode, the heating components provide heat. After heating to the aluminum foil, it can help the food to be evenly heated and prevent the food from burning.

So when you use aluminum foil, you must pay attention to the mode, otherwise there will be security risks.