mis on 8021 sulamist alumiiniumfoolium?

8021 sulamist alumiiniumfooliumil on suurepärane niiskuskindlus, varjutamine, ja äärmiselt kõrge barjäärivõime: pikenemine, torkekindlus, ja tugev tihendusvõime.

The aluminum foil after compounding, trükkimine, ja liimimist kasutatakse laialdaselt pakkematerjalina. Kasutatakse peamiselt toiduainete pakendamiseks, blisterravimi pakend, pehmed akud, jne.

Eelised 8021 alumiiniumfoolium

(1) The surface is clean and hygienic, and no bacteria or microorganisms can grow on its surface.
(2) It is a non-toxic packaging material, which can be in direct contact with food without any danger of harming human health.
(3) It is an odorless and odorless packaging material, which will not make the packaged food have any peculiar smell.
(4) No matter whether in high temperature or low temperature, there will be no oil penetration phenomenon.
(5) High hardness and high tensile strength, but its tear strength is small, so it is easy to tear.
(6) As an opaque packaging material, it is a good packaging material for products exposed to sunlight, such as margarine.
(7) It has good plasticity, so it can be used for packaging products of various shapes. Various shapes of containers can also be arbitrarily formed.

8021 sulamist alumiiniumfoolium

Battery Soft Package Aluminum Foil

The commonly used specification of battery soft-pack aluminum foil is 0.035-0.055mm.

8021’s plain aluminum foil material has good performance and extensibility, and the commonly used thickness is 0.04mm. The main advantage is that it is used in deep-drawing packaging materials.

aluminum foil battery Have The Following Advantages:

  1. High energy density. The general battery capacity can be about 2200mAh, so the energy density is about 500Wh/L, and the energy density of the polymer battery is now
    Stage mass production can be close to 600Wh/L.
  2. Good safety. Polymer batteries do not have this problem. Even in the same situation, due to the low strength of the packaging film, as long as the e-air pressure is slightly higher, it will rupture and will not explode.
    Explosion, the worst case is burning.

Miks valida meid?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. on Hiina paljude alumiiniumitootjate ja -tarnijate liider. Me kontrollime rangelt kvaliteeti ja keskendume klientidele. Loodame teha teiega põhjalikku koostööd ja pakkuda teile kvaliteetseid alumiiniummaterjalidest tooteid, mis on kohandatud originaalseadmete tootjate teenuseid. Kui soovite saada uusimaid ja parimaid hindu kilogrammi või tonni standardkaalu järgi, võtke meiega ühendust.

Alumiiniumfooliumi tootmisliin


  • pakett: Puidust korpus
  • Standardne puidust korpuse spetsifikatsioon: Pikkus*Laius*Kõrgus=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Kord vaja,puidust korpuse mõõtmeid saab vastavalt vajadusele ümber kujundada.
  • Puitkarbi kohta Brutokaalu skaala: 500-700KG netokaal: 450-650KG
  • Märkus: Pakendi erinõuete jaoks, lisatakse vastavalt.