Mis on jogurti kaane foolium?

Jogurtikaane foolium on valmistatud toidukvaliteediga alumiiniumfooliumist, mis suudab tagada kahjulike ainete eraldumise ja on inimorganismile kahjutu.

Fooliumjogurti kaas on tavaliselt jogurti valmistamisel, alumiiniumfoolium suletakse tassi kaanele spetsiaalse tihendusseadmega. Alumiiniumfooliumi hea niiskuskindluse ja hapnikutõkke omaduste tõttu, it can effectively protect yogurt from pollution and oxidation, thereby prolonging the shelf life and quality of yogurt.

Yogurt lid foil

Yogurt lid foil

It should be noted that when using yogurt cover foil, care should be taken not to damage the foil, so as not to contaminate the yogurt under the foil. Samal ajal, when recycling yogurt cup lids, alumiiniumfoolium, and plastic cups should be handled separately for sorting and recycling.

Parameters of aluminum foil lids for yogurt

heat sealing foil

Alloy State8011-O
Paksus0.025~0.05 (single-sided light or double-sided light)
Processing methodcomposite, trükkimine, jne.
UseAfter processing such as printing or painting, it is used in the packaging of dairy products such as fresh milk and yogurt.

Mis on 8011-0 alumiiniumfoolium?

8011-O soft foil: aluminum foil softened by full annealing after rolling, with soft material and no residual oil on the surface. Hetkel, most applications, such as packaging, composite, electrical materials, jne., are using soft foils.

Foil Yogurt Lids Recyclable

  1. Aluminum foil is a recyclable material that saves energy and reduces environmental impact through recycling and reuse. Samal ajal, recycling aluminum foil also helps to reduce garbage accumulation and resource waste, and reduce the consumption of natural resources.
  2. When recycling foil yogurt lids, you should separate the foil and plastic cups.
  3. It should be noted that when recycling aluminum foil yogurt lids, the integrity of the aluminum foil should be kept as far as possible, and the aluminum foil and plastic cups should not be mixed together and smashed together, which can improve the recycling rate of aluminum foil.

aluminum foil for yogurt cup lid

Miks valida meid?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. on Hiina paljude alumiiniumitootjate ja -tarnijate liider. Me kontrollime rangelt kvaliteeti ja keskendume klientidele. Loodame teha teiega põhjalikku koostööd ja pakkuda teile kvaliteetseid alumiiniummaterjalidest tooteid, mis on kohandatud originaalseadmete tootjate teenuseid. Kui soovite saada uusimaid ja parimaid hindu kilogrammi või tonni standardkaalu järgi, võtke meiega ühendust.

Alumiiniumfooliumi tootmisliin


  • pakett: Puidust korpus
  • Standardne puidust korpuse spetsifikatsioon: Pikkus*Laius*Kõrgus=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Kord vaja,puidust korpuse mõõtmeid saab vastavalt vajadusele ümber kujundada.
  • Puitkarbi kohta Brutokaalu skaala: 500-700KG netokaal: 450-650KG
  • Märkus: Pakendi erinõuete jaoks, lisatakse vastavalt.