Aluminioa 5052 Aluminio-aleaziorik erabiliena da 5000 seriea. 5052 aluminioa A1-Mg aleazioari dagokio, herdoilaren aurkako aluminioa bezala ere ezagutzen da. 5052 aluminiozko aleazioak indar handia du. Magnesioa gehitzen denean, 5052 aluminiozko plaka korrosioarekiko erresistentzia hobea eta indar handiagoa du. Aluminio aleazioa 5052 with excellent properties can be widely used to manufacture aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes, sheet metal parts of transportation vehicles and ships, instruments, street lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, electrical-appliance housings, etab.
6061 aluminum is a heat-treatable alloy in the 6xxx series. Aluminioa 6061 has good formability, weldability, and machinability. It also has medium strength and can maintain good strength after annealing. A small amount of copper or zinc can be added to 6061 aluminum alloy to improve the strength of the alloy without significantly reducing its corrosion resistance;
Chemical composition of 6061 aluminiozko aleazioa
Chemical composition of 5052 aluminiozko aleazioa
Aluminioa 5052 eta 6061 are both aluminum metals with high strength, and there are great similarities in mechanical properties.