Kafe kapsuletarako aluminiozko papera erabiltzearen abantailak

Kafe kapsuletarako aluminiozko papera erabiltzearen abantailak

Kapsula oskolarako, aluminiozkoa baita, aluminioa infinituki birzikla daitekeen materiala da.

Kafe kapsulak, oro har, aluminiozko karkasa erabiltzen du. Aluminioa da gaur egun babes gehien duen materiala. Ez du kafearen usaina blokeatu bakarrik, baina pisu arina eta indar handikoa ere bada.
Aldi berean, aluminioak kafea substantzia arrotzetatik babesten du, hala nola oxigenoa, hezetasuna eta argia.
For coffee grounds, you can leave them untreated, but dry them and recycle them with the capsule shell; I usually use them as fertilizer for flowers.

What to do with recycled coffee capsules?

  • After shredding, the coffee grounds are separated from the aluminum coffee capsules.
  • The coffee grounds will then be turned into green energy or a nutrient-rich compost.
  • Empty coffee capsules are heated to melt and separate from plastic coatings and other materials.
  • At the end only the purest aluminium remains, which will be reused.