What is aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging

Aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging is usually composed of aluminum foil, plastikozko filma, eta kola-geruza bat. Aluminio paperak abantaila ugari ditu ontziratzeko material gisa, esate baterako, hezetasun-erresistentea, antioxidazioaren eta ultramoreen aurkako propietateak, eta sendagaiak argitik modu eraginkorrean babestu ditzake, oxigenoa, eta hezetasuna.

Aluminium foil for pharmaceutical packaging also has good sealing and plasticity, so pharmaceuticals can be better kept in a dry, sterile, and safe environment. Horrez gain, the high-grade appearance of aluminium foil can enhance the brand image and market competitiveness of pharmaceuticals.

Botikak ontziratzeko aluminiozko papera

Botikak ontziratzeko aluminiozko papera

The advantages of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging include:

  • Good oxygen barrier performance: it can effectively prevent the active ingredients in the medicine from being oxidized or decomposed, and ensure the stability and activity of the medicine.
  • Good moisture barrier performance: it can effectively prevent the medicine from being intruded on by moisture and reduce the quality and safety of the medicine.
  • Good light-shielding performance: it can effectively prevent medicines from being irradiated by light, and prevent medicines from being oxidized or decomposed by light.
  • Good heat resistance: Aluminium foil for pharmaceutical packaging can be used for a long time at high temperatures without melting or deformation, which ensures the safety and stability of pharmaceuticals.
  • Light and easy to carry: Aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging is thin and light, easy to carry and store.

Product type

Application scenarios of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging

  1. Medicine package
  2. Medical Device Packaging
  3. Health product packaging

Farmazia-ontzietarako aluminiozko papera

Farmazia-ontzietarako aluminiozko papera

Zergatik aukeratu gu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Txinan aluminio fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile askoren liderra da. Zorrotz kontrolatzen dugu kalitatea eta bezeroengan arreta jartzen dugu. Zurekin lankidetza sakona izatea eta kalitate handiko aluminiozko material produktuak OEM zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak eskaintzea espero dugu. Prezio berrienak eta onenak lortu nahi badituzu kg bakoitzeko edo tonako pisu estandarraren arabera, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.

Aluminio papera ekoizteko lerroa


  • Paketea: Egurrezko kaxa
  • Egurrezko kutxaren zehaztapen estandarra: Luzera * Zabalera * Altuera = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Behin beharrezkoa,zurezko kutxaren dimentsioa behar den moduan birdiseinatu daiteke.
  • Egurrezko kutxa bakoitzeko Pisu Gordinaren balantza: 500-700KG Pisu garbia: 450-650KG
  • Oharra: Paketatze-baldintza berezietarako, dagozkionak horren arabera gehituko dira.