In addition to cigarette packaging, ontzien industrian aluminio-paperaren aplikazioak nagusiki barne hartzen ditu: aluminio-plastikozko poltsa konposatuak, aluminiozko paperezko farmazia-ontziak eta txokolate-ontziak. Goi-mailako garagardo batzuk ere botilaren ahoan aluminio paperean bilduta daude.
Medicinal blister packaging includes medicinal aluminum foil, PVC plastikozko xafla zurruna, heat-sealing paint and other materials. Medicinal aluminum foil is a sealing material sealed on a plastic hard film, which has the advantages of non-toxic, korrosioarekiko erresistenteak, impermeable, heat-resistant, hezetasunaren aurkakoa, light-blocking, and high-temperature sterilization. The thickness of medicinal aluminum foil is generally 0.02 mm. It is composed of a protective layer, an ink printing layer, a substrate and an adhesive layer. All aluminum blister is mainly used for some expensive medicine packaging due to its high cost.
In addition to making soft cans, aluminio-plastikozko poltsa konposatuak are also widely used in small foods and fried foods. Horrez gain, the aluminum-plastic composite bag can pack pharmaceutical tablets or Chinese medicine powder. Due to its excellent barrier properties, aluminum-plastic composite materials are also used in large amounts in the packaging of ordnance and munitions.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Txinan aluminio fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile askoren liderra da. Zorrotz kontrolatzen dugu kalitatea eta bezeroengan arreta jartzen dugu. Zurekin lankidetza sakona izatea eta kalitate handiko aluminiozko material produktuak OEM zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak eskaintzea espero dugu. Prezio berrienak eta onenak lortu nahi badituzu kg bakoitzeko edo tonako pisu estandarraren arabera, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.