Zer da aluminiozko papera?

Aluminiozko papera, sarritan aluminiozko papera deitzen zaio, aluminiozko aleazio paper mota bat da. Aluminio-papera normalean oso mehe batean biribiltzen da, material malgua eta oso harikorra, hainbat eszenatokitan erabil daitekeena, hala nola ontziratzeak, sukaldaritza, eraikuntza eta isolamendu elektrikoa.


Aluminiozko papera aluminiozko papera da?

Bai, aluminiozko papera aluminiozko metalez egina dago. It is the same material as aluminum foil and has excellent thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and lightweight. Aluminum foil paper is soft and easy to deform, just like paper, and it does not rebound after deformation. It can be qualitative, guaranteed to be shading, will not fall off, is opaque, pollution-free, and is cheap. It is used for moisture-proof and decorative packaging of high-end cigarettes, candies and other foods.

Aluminum foil paper manufacturing process

Aluminum foil uses continuous casting, which consumes much less energy and has become the process of choice. For aluminum foil papers less than 0.025 mm-ko lodiera, the two layers are usually put together for a final pass and then separated, resulting in a foil with one glossy side and one matte side. The sides in contact are matte and the outside is lightened; this is done to reduce tearing, increase productivity, control thickness, and address the need for smaller diameter rollers.

Aluminum foil paper alloy

Aluminum foil paper is usually made of various aluminum alloys, and the alloys used are mainly 1000, 3000, eta 8000 seriea.
Main alloy types of aluminum foil

1100: Aluminum foil paper is a commercially pure aluminum alloy commonly used in general-purpose aluminum foil. Has good formability and is suitable for a wide range of applications.

1235: 1235 aluminum foil paper alloy is commonly used for packaging and has excellent formability and corrosion resistance. Aluminiozko papera 1235 is commonly used in the production of household foils and flexible packaging.

8011: 8011 is a versatile alloy with good strength and formability. 8011 aluminum foil paper is widely used in manufacturing household foils, pharmaceutical packaging and various industrial applications.

8021: 8021 alloy is known for its excellent barrier properties and is suitable for protecting sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals and food. 8021 aluminum foil paper is commonly used for blister packaging and laminated foil.

3003: 3003 aluminum foil paper is often used in specific applications where its properties are beneficial.

Zergatik aukeratu gu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Txinan aluminio fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile askoren liderra da. Zorrotz kontrolatzen dugu kalitatea eta bezeroengan arreta jartzen dugu. Zurekin lankidetza sakona izatea eta kalitate handiko aluminiozko material produktuak OEM zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak eskaintzea espero dugu. Prezio berrienak eta onenak lortu nahi badituzu kg bakoitzeko edo tonako pisu estandarraren arabera, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.

Aluminio papera ekoizteko lerroa


  • Paketea: Egurrezko kaxa
  • Egurrezko kutxaren zehaztapen estandarra: Luzera * Zabalera * Altuera = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Behin beharrezkoa,zurezko kutxaren dimentsioa behar den moduan birdiseinatu daiteke.
  • Egurrezko kutxa bakoitzeko Pisu Gordinaren balantza: 500-700KG Pisu garbia: 450-650KG
  • Oharra: Paketatze-baldintza berezietarako, dagozkionak horren arabera gehituko dira.