Aluminio paperezko bazkarirako kutxa toxikoak ez diren eta ingurumena errespetatzen duten mahai-ontzi mota berri bat da.
1. Aluminio paperezko bazkari-kutxaren osagai nagusia aluminioa da, beraz, azidoarekin erreakzionatuko du aluminiozko latak bezala, eta aluminioak eta azido organikoek sortutako gatzek azido gastrikoarekin erreakzionatuko dute aluminio kloruroa sortzeko, beraz, erabili behar dugu. Kontuan izan, oro har, arroza lurrunetan erretzeko erabili ohi da. There is no other fuel. It is harmless to the human body and can be used with confidence. Hala ere, if there is still unqualified tin foil in life, it may have adverse effects on the human body. For our health, we must choose qualified aluminum foil lunch boxes.
2. After excessive accumulation of aluminum in the human body, it can damage the brain cells of the human body and cause memory loss, which is not easy to detect during this poisoning process. Hala ere, oro har, the melting point of aluminum is 660 degrees Celsius, and relatively speaking, the risk of being sucked out during grilling is relatively small.
3. The aluminum foil can not only transmit energy, but also prevent the meat from directly contacting the flame, which is equivalent to wearing a layer of “fire-proof clothing”, thereby reducing the chance of being scorched. Horrez gain, aluminum foil wrapping food can effectively prevent moisture loss.