Aluminio-paperaren erroiluen prezio onenaren aurkezpena 3003

Aluminiozko paperezko erroilua 3003 Al-Mn serieko aleazioen produktu arrunta da. Aleazio Mn elementua gehitzeagatik, herdoilaren erresistentzia bikaina du, soldagarritasuna eta korrosioarekiko erresistentzia. Aluminiozko paperezko erroiluen tenperatze nagusiak 3003 H18 dira, H22 eta H24.

Preziorik onena aluminiozko paperezko erroilua 3003
Preziorik onena aluminiozko paperezko erroilua 3003

Era berean, 3003 aluminiozko papera ere bero tratatu gabeko aleazio bat da, so a cold working method is used to improve its mechanical properties, but 3003 aluminium foil with medium strength is 10% stronger than 1000 series alloy aluminum foil.

Horrez gain, the plasticity and welding performance of Aluminium foil roll 3003 is also very good. So, It is a good choice for aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitor, lunch box container, and aluminum honeycomb core material.

Aleazioa 3003 has very good corrosion resistance and moderate strength. It is not heat treatable and can only be strengthened by cold working.

Since the alloy 3003 provides a better heating and cooling environment, it is widely used in household applications.

Chemical Composition Aluminium Foil Roll 3003

Alloy No.EtaFeCuMnMgCrZnBeste batzukAl


3003 Aluminum Foil Application
Etxeko papera
Bare, Mill FinishH111/H12/H14/H16
Container foil
Packaging Foil
Electronic Foil

Aluminium Foil Roll 3003 Lodiera

The thickness of Aluminum Foil Roll 3003 produced by Huawei ranges from 8mic to 0.20mm. Aluminum foils for different uses have different thicknesses. We provide thickness customization services.

Standard household foil is typically 16 microns thick, and heavy duty household foil is typically 24 mikra.

Preziorik onena aluminiozko paperezko erroilua 3003 Tenperatura

The first digit indicates the processing reputation of aluminium foil roll 3003:

  • H1: paintings hardening nation, this means that that the aluminum plate has not been warmth handled and has simplest acquired the specified electricity after paintings hardening.
  • H2: paintings hardening and incomplete annealing nation, which means that that the aluminum plate has been work hardened and the strength exceeds the required necessities. After incomplete annealing, the energy of the aluminum plate has been decreased to the usual strength.
  • H3: work hardening and stabilization treatment nation, which means that that the mechanical houses of the aluminum plate have been stabilized after warmth treatment or heating all through processing. H3 is simplest suitable for aluminum plates that are obviously elderly at room temperature.
  • H4: paintings hardening and portray remedy reputation, indicating that the aluminum plate is not completely annealed because of portray treatment after work hardening.

Specifications of 3003 Aluminiozko papera:

  • Aleazioa: 3003
  • Lodiera: 0.006-0.20mm
  • Thickness Tolerance± 5%
  • Zabalera: 120mm-1100mm
  • Width Tolerance± 1mm
  • I.,D : 76mm/152mm
  • Surface : Errota akabera, both sides bright, lubricated, non-lubricated
  • Grade: food grade
  • Enbalajea:Fumigated wooden box
  • Delivery Time:7-25 days after order confirmation
  • Price TermsFOB, CIF, CFR, CNF, etab.

Production process of 3003 Aluminiozko papera:

Ingot→ Smeelting Furnace→ Online Air-removing→ Casting→ Cold Rolling→ Annealing→ Rough Rolling→ Double→ Foil Finish Rolling→ Thin Thin Shear→ Annealing→ Aluminum Foil→ Final Inspection→ Packing→ Warehouse→ Delivery

Aluminium Foil Roll 3003 Ekoizpena
Aluminium Foil Roll 3003 Ekoizpena

Features and Applications of Aluminium Foil Roll 3003

AL 3003 alloy is simply machined and is taken into consideration as having good machinability for aluminum alloys. Commonly, aleazio 3003 is utilized in some of industries. As an example, aluminiozko aleazioa 3003 is effortlessly found in domestic appliances. From cooking utensils, and bakery molds to workplace equipment it has many programs which you could discover on your ordinary lives.

Huawei presently resources aluminium foil roll 3003 from 0.008 to 0.20mm. Our plant is ready with a flatness control gadget to make certain the treasured of our foil.

Aluminium Foil Roll 3003 For Container
Aluminium Foil Roll 3003 For Container

Huawei is a big-scale 3003 aluminiozko papera manufacturer, the 3003-H18 aluminum foil, 3003-O aluminiozko papera, 3003 – H24 aluminium foil and different 3003 aluminum foil merchandise have more than one blessings such as food grade, smooth degreasing, zulo gutxiago, desirable plate form, non-deformation in cutting, and easy to peel off, and so forth., and they are exported globally at an less costly charge. You could relaxation assured to purchase!

What is Best Price Aluminium Foil Roll 3003

In addition to 3003 aluminum foil’s many brilliant internal characteristics, its pricing is also among the lowest inside the enterprise. The cause why aluminium foil roll 3003 is the most famous option for food container producers is because of its aggressive pricing, which allows businesses to significantly improve container production even as the usage of high-quality meals field materials. Economic gains for the organization.

Rolls of 3003 aluminum foil are a notably low-cost alternative for food containers. Given that it’s miles a huge-scale commodity, lots ought to be bought a good way to buy it. You may save cash on labor, garraioa, and raw cloth fees if you buy it in bulk. Food bins manufactured from aluminium foil roll 3003 are extra less expensive than glass or plastic containers.

How can I select 3003 aluminum foil of the highest quality?

There are nevertheless a variety of problems, however meals box manufacturers have discovered a more lower priced fabric that is positive to improve their careers. How ought to one pick out advanced aluminium foil roll 3003? Izan ere, there are certain tips for selecting premium aluminum foil as a cloth for food bins.

Honeycomb Panels Used Aluminium Foil Roll 3003
Honeycomb Panels Used Aluminium Foil Roll 3003

We should investigate the foil’s thickness, width, power, and integrity whilst choosing aluminium foil roll 3003 on the way to decide whether or not it can fulfill the manufacturing needs of our very own food containers. While smaller foils are more bendy for shaping and wrapping, thicker foils offer advanced sturdiness and protection. The producer’s specifications will determine which options are available.

Aluminum foil made within the year 3003 need to be clean and flat and not using a apparent flaws, stains, wrinkles, etab. Aluminum foil’s integrity will be harmed via flaws or contamination, so one can have an effect on how food boxes are made.

To make certain high-quality certification, it’s far essential to pick aluminium foil roll 3003 that complies with all relevant policies and necessities. Examine accreditation documents like ISO, FDA, and different pertinent first-class certifications. That is finished to affirm that the raw elements for aluminum foil are secure.

Zergatik aukeratu gu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Txinan aluminio fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile askoren liderra da. Zorrotz kontrolatzen dugu kalitatea eta bezeroengan arreta jartzen dugu. Zurekin lankidetza sakona izatea eta kalitate handiko aluminiozko material produktuak OEM zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak eskaintzea espero dugu. Prezio berrienak eta onenak lortu nahi badituzu kg bakoitzeko edo tonako pisu estandarraren arabera, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.

Aluminio papera ekoizteko lerroa


  • Paketea: Egurrezko kaxa
  • Egurrezko kutxaren zehaztapen estandarra: Luzera * Zabalera * Altuera = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Behin beharrezkoa,zurezko kutxaren dimentsioa behar den moduan birdiseinatu daiteke.
  • Egurrezko kutxa bakoitzeko Pisu Gordinaren balantza: 500-700KG Pisu garbia: 450-650KG
  • Oharra: Paketatze-baldintza berezietarako, dagozkionak horren arabera gehituko dira.