Aluminum foil thickness for different purposes


Alloy state

Typical thickness(mm)

Processing methods

End use

smoke foil1235-O、8079-O0.006~0.007Composite paper, koloreztatzea, inprimatzea, etab.Erabili ondoren zigarroen ontzietan, inprimatzea edo margotzea.
Flexible packaging foil8079-O、1235-O0.006~0.009Composite paper, plastikozko filmaren erliebea, koloreztatzea, inprimatzea, etab.Candy, milk and dairy products, powdered food, beverages, tea, bread, various snacks, etab.
Cardboard foil1235-O, 8079-O0.006aluminum plastic paper composite.for barrier and aesthetics.
Aseptic bag1235-O、8111-O、8079-O0.0063, 0.00635aluminum plastic paper composite, inprimatzeaAs a barrier material, it is made into a rectangular carton package with a straw hole (when drinking soda), esaterako: Tetra Pak, Combibloc, etab.
Etxeko papera8011-O0.008~0.02roll txikiaused for food preservation, barbecue, aviation, hotel catering and kitchen cleaning.
Hose foil8011-O、1060-O0.012-0.02composite, inprimatzea, etab.After composite printing with PE, it is used to process the packaging of cream products such as toothpaste, ointment, and cosmetics.

Aluminum foil specification thickness reference

Countries in the world have different regulations on the maximum thickness of aluminum foil, such as 0.15mm(5.91 mils) in the United States, 0.20mm(7.87 mils) in Japan, 0.20mm(7.87 mils) in Germany, 0.15mm(5.91 mils) in the United Kingdom, 0.20mm(7.87 mils) in France, 0.05mm(1.97 mils) in Italy, 0.04mm(1.57 mils) in Sweden, and 0.04mm(1.57 mils) in the former Soviet Union. It is 0.20mm(7.87 mils), and in my country is 0.20mm(7.87 mils).

Aluminum foil is generally supplied in rolls, and the diameter of aluminum foil rolls is generally 180-230mm.

Gaur egun, the industrial aluminum foil produced in my country mainly has 4 widths and 18 different thicknesses. The series of products are introduced as follows.

(1) Width range of aluminum foil: 10~39mm, 39~130mm, 130~220mm, 220~600mm, etab. 4 kinds.
(2) Aluminio paperaren lodiera: 0.005mm(0.20 mils), 0.0075mm(0.30 mils), 0.010mm(0.40 mils), 0.012mm(0.47 mils), 0.014mm(0.55 mils), 0.016mm(0.63 mils), 0.020mm(0.79 mils), 0.025mm(0.98 mils), 0.030mm(1.18 mils), 0.040mm(1.57 mils), 0.050mm(1.97 mils), 0.060mm(2.36 mils), 0.070mm(2.76 mils), 0.080mm(3.15 mils), 0.100mm(3.94 mils) , 0.120mm(4.72 mils), 0.150mm(5.91 mils), 0.200mm(7.87 mils) 18 kinds.

 Custom Thickness Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

The thickness of aluminum foil rolls is usually less than 0.2mm. Different thicknesses have different uses. We can customize different thicknesses according to your requirements

Thickness classification

Aluminio papera ekoizteko prozesua

Aluminum foil is rolled without rolls, and the rolls are always in a state of elastic flattening.

During the rolling process, the thickness of the foil can be controlled by adjusting the rolling force, rolling speed and controlling the tension.

In the process of rough rolling, the thickness of the foil is controlled by the rolling force; in the process of finishing rolling, the thickness of the foil decreases with the increase of the rolling speed; The conditional yield strength is σ0.2~0.4

During low-speed rolling, heavy oil or thin oil is often added to the lubricating oil to adjust the rolling thickness of the aluminum foil. Lubricants and roll conditions have a very important influence on foil quality.

Zergatik aukeratu gu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Txinan aluminio fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile askoren liderra da. Zorrotz kontrolatzen dugu kalitatea eta bezeroengan arreta jartzen dugu. Zurekin lankidetza sakona izatea eta kalitate handiko aluminiozko material produktuak OEM zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak eskaintzea espero dugu. Prezio berrienak eta onenak lortu nahi badituzu kg bakoitzeko edo tonako pisu estandarraren arabera, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.

Aluminio papera ekoizteko lerroa


  • Paketea: Egurrezko kaxa
  • Egurrezko kutxaren zehaztapen estandarra: Luzera * Zabalera * Altuera = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Behin beharrezkoa,zurezko kutxaren dimentsioa behar den moduan birdiseinatu daiteke.
  • Egurrezko kutxa bakoitzeko Pisu Gordinaren balantza: 500-700KG Pisu garbia: 450-650KG
  • Oharra: Paketatze-baldintza berezietarako, dagozkionak horren arabera gehituko dira.