Orain merkatuan ikusten dugun aluminiozko papera jada ez da eztainuzkoa, aluminioa baino garestiagoa eta gutxiago iraunkorra delako.
Jatorrizko lata papera (eztainu papera bezala ere ezagutzen da) benetan eztainuz egina dago. Ezta-papera aluminiozko papera baino leunagoa da. Tindatutako usaina izango du janaria biltzeko. Aldi berean, eztainu-papera ezin da berotu bere urtze-puntu baxua dela eta, edo berokuntza-tenperatura altua da, esaterako 160 It begins to become brittle above ℃-which limits its use in food packaging. If you need to grill food, you cannot use tin foil when baking food. Since the aluminum foil paper has a higher melting point, it starts to melt when heated to above 660°C. It can be applied to ordinary barbecued foods, baked goods, and even traditional chicken chickens are wrapped in aluminum foil for baking. It is clean and hygienic while maintaining Original flavor. Horregatik, after the price of aluminum fell, aluminum foil replaced tin foil in daily life.
Horregatik, the term tin foil (tinfoil) now refers to aluminum foil in many areas. The terms tin foil, eztainu papera, and aluminum foil all refer to the same product, but people used to call it tin foil.