What is aluminum foil grade 8079? 8079 alloy aluminium folie meastal brûkt om te produsearjen soarten fan aluminium alloy folie, dy't biedt de bêste eigenskippen foar in protte applikaasjes mei H14, H18 en oare temperatueren en dikten tusken 10 en 200 mikron.
De tensile sterkte en ferlinging fan alloy 8079 binne heger as oare alloys, dus it is net fleksibel en fochtbestindich.
8079 aluminium folie mainly designed for the general packaging of both pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and it has better property than pure aluminum foil. Most importantly, we manufacture products according to the requirements of customers.
The high quality of the 8079 aluminum foil supplied by huawei aluminum. fulfills a diversity of markets like húshâlding folie, packaging foil as well as pharmaceutical foil.
What is the composition of alloy foil 8079?Alloy 8079 foil is an aluminum alloy commonly used for making foil. Foil made from this alloy is known for its excellent performance in various applications, including food packaging, farmaseutyske ferpakking, and household foil. The composition of alloy 8079 is as follows:
Temper: O (soft), h14, h18, h22, h24 etc…
Oanfraach: Cigarette etc …
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. is de lieder fan in protte aluminiumfabrikanten en leveransiers yn Sina. Wy kontrolearje de kwaliteit strikt en rjochtsje ús op klanten. Wy hoopje yngeande gearwurking mei jo te hawwen en jo te leverjen mei hege kwaliteit aluminium materiaal produkten oanpaste OEM tsjinsten. As jo de nijste en bêste prizen wolle krije per kg of per ton standertgewicht, nim dan kontakt mei ús op.