Hokker legere aluminiumfolie is it meast geskikt foar itenferpakking

Hokker legere aluminiumfolie is it meast geskikt foar itenferpakking

De meast brûkte aluminiumfolie-legering yn itenferpakkingsapplikaasjes is 8011. Aluminium alloy 8011 is in typyske alloy fan aluminium folie en is wurden de yndustry standert foar iten ferpakking fanwege syn treflike eigenskippen. Hjir binne guon redenen wêrom alloy 8011 is ideaal foar iten ferpakking:

Goede Barrier Performance: De aluminiumfolie makke fan 8011 alloy kin effektyf blokkearje focht, soerstof en ljocht, helping to protect food and keep freshness for a longer time.

Flexibility and formability: Aluminum foil made from this alloy is highly flexible and easy to form, making it suitable for packaging food in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Thermyske conductivity: Aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and can be heated and cooled quickly, suitable for hot and cold food applications.

Safe and Non-Toxic: Aluminum foil is considered safe for food contact and does not impart any unpleasant taste or odor to the food it wraps.

Recyclability: Aluminum is a recyclable material, and the recycling process uses significantly less energy than producing new aluminium, making it an environmentally friendly choice.