Dè tha meatailt 3003 Foil Aluminium Alloy?

3003 foil alúmanaim alloy is a medium-strength alloy with excellent atmospheric corrosion resistance, weldability fìor mhath, agus deagh chumadh fuar. An coimeas ri 1000 alloys sreath, tha leudachadh nas àirde agus neart tensile aige, gu sònraichte aig teòthachd àrd.

Tha na prìomh stàitean de almain foil 3003 gabhail a-steach H 18, H22, H24, agus stàitean eile ma thèid an iarraidh.

Aluminum Alloy 3003 foil

It is therefore widely used in household applications (pacadh cungaidh-leigheis, container foils, bottle caps).

Huawei Aluminum Advanced Materials provides our customers with high-quality 3003 almain alloy.

Alloy Parameters for Aluminum Foil 3003

Feartan meacanaigeach a 3003 foil almain

Tensile strength σb (MPa)Yield strength σ0.2 (MPa)Leudachadh δ16 (%)Hardness(HB)

Chemical composition of aluminum foil 3003

AlloyAgusFeCuMnTha mgVZnAscuid eileAl
3003 Foil Aluminium

Feartan meacanaigeach a 3003 foil almain

Tensile Strength
3003 foil alúmanaim alloyH180.01-0.2≥1901.0

The characteristics of 3003 foil almain

AL 3003 alloy is easy to machine and is considered to have good machinability for aluminum alloys.

  1. Plastachd àrd. In the annealed state, 3003 tha plastachd àrd aig foil alùmanum. The semi-cold hardening plasticity is better, and the cold working plasticity is the lowest.
  2. Excellent corrosion resistance. The Al2O3 protective film easily formed on the surface of 303 aluminum foil can resist the corrosion of most acids and organics. And using corrosion inhibitors, 3003 aluminum foil can also resist weak alkali corrosion.
  3. Good ductility. Compared with series 1 agus 8011 foil almain, 3003 aluminum foil has better processability, higher elongation, and stronger overall performance.

Application and use of 3003 foil almain

Carson a thaghas sinn?

Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr. na stiùiriche air mòran de luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean alùmanum ann an Sìona. Tha sinn a 'cumail smachd teann air càileachd agus a' cuimseachadh air luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi co-obrachadh domhainn againn leat agus seirbheisean OEM àbhaisteach a thoirt dhut airson toraidhean stuthan alùmanum àrd-inbhe. Ma tha thu airson na prìsean as ùire agus as fheàrr fhaighinn a rèir gach kg no gach tunna de chuideam àbhaisteach, cuiribh fios thugainn.

Loidhne cinneasachaidh foil alùmanum


  • Pacaid: Cùis fiodha
  • Sònrachadh cùise fiodha àbhaisteach: Fad * Leud * Àrd = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Aon uair 's gu bheil feum air,dh’ fhaodadh meud cùis fiodha ath-dhealbhadh mar a dh’ fheumar.
  • A rèir cùis fiodha Sgèile Làn Cuideam: 500-700KG Cuideam lom: 450-650KG
  • Thoir iomradh: Airson riatanasan pacaidh sònraichte, cuirear ris a rèir sin.