1. Uisge-dhìonach dìon-taise farsaing: Aluminum foil tape has the performance of moisture-proof, uisge-dhìonach, oxidation, etc., a dh’ fhaodas na stuthan adhesive a dhìon gu h-èifeachdach agus casg a chuir orra bho bhith air am bleith le taiseachd agus ceò uisge.
2. Indity insulation: Tha deagh choileanadh insulation teirmeach aig teip foil alùmanum, is urrainn casg a chuir air sgaoileadh teas gu h-èifeachdach agus tha e freagarrach airson insulation teirmeach pìoban, air conditioners, refrigerators, cars, trains, and other equipment.
3. Easy to use: Aluminum foil tape has a high viscosity, can firmly bond the adhesive items and is easy to tear, which can be used easily and quickly.
4. High-temperature resistance: Aluminum foil tape has high high-temperature resistance, can withstand the use of high-temperature environments and is suitable for some occasions that require high-temperature resistance.
5. Beautiful and generous: aluminum foil tape has a bright color, good texture, and metallic luster, which is also welcomed in the field of home decoration, and car beauty.