1.Goireas: Large rolls of aluminum foil can be cut at any time, goireasach airson pacadh biadh de dhiofar chumaidhean agus mheudan, gu math sùbailte.
2.Glèidheadh freshness: Faodaidh foil alùmanum èadhar agus taiseachd a sgaradh gu h-èifeachdach, casg a chur air biadh bho bhith a 'dol dona, agus leudachadh air an ùine ùr de bhiadh.
3.Seasmhachd: Tha deagh sheasamh an aghaidh teas agus deòir aig foil alùmanum, can withstand high temperature and pressure, and is not easy to break.
4.Environmental protection: aluminum foil can be recycled and reused, which has less pollution to the environment.
5.Versatility: Aluminum foil jumbo rolls can be used not only for food packaging, but also for baking, grilling, grilling and many other occasions.