8021 tha deagh sheasamh an aghaidh taiseachd aig foil alùmanum alloy, dubhar, agus comas bacadh fìor àrd: leudachadh, strì an aghaidh puncture, agus coileanadh seulachaidh làidir.
The aluminum foil after compounding, clò-bhualadh, agus tha gluing air a chleachdadh gu farsaing mar stuth pacaidh. Sa mhòr-chuid air a chleachdadh airson pacadh bìdh, pacadh drogaichean blister, pacaidean bataraidh bog, etc.
(1) The surface is clean and hygienic, and no bacteria or microorganisms can grow on its surface. (2) It is a non-toxic packaging material, which can be in direct contact with food without any danger of harming human health. (3) It is an odorless and odorless packaging material, which will not make the packaged food have any peculiar smell. (4) No matter whether in high temperature or low temperature, there will be no oil penetration phenomenon. (5) High hardness and high tensile strength, but its tear strength is small, so it is easy to tear. (6) As an opaque packaging material, it is a good packaging material for products exposed to sunlight, such as margarine. (7) It has good plasticity, so it can be used for packaging products of various shapes. Various shapes of containers can also be arbitrarily formed.
8021’s plain aluminum foil material has good performance and extensibility, and the commonly used thickness is 0.04mm. The main advantage is that it is used in deep-drawing packaging materials.
Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr. na stiùiriche air mòran de luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean alùmanum ann an Sìona. Tha sinn a 'cumail smachd teann air càileachd agus a' cuimseachadh air luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi co-obrachadh domhainn againn leat agus seirbheisean OEM àbhaisteach a thoirt dhut airson toraidhean stuthan alùmanum àrd-inbhe. Ma tha thu airson na prìsean as ùire agus as fheàrr fhaighinn a rèir gach kg no gach tunna de chuideam àbhaisteach, cuiribh fios thugainn.