Dè a th ’ann an rolla jumbo foil alùmanum?

Tha rolla jumbo foil alùmanum a’ toirt iomradh air rolla foil alùmanum farsaing leantainneach, mar as trice le leud nas motha na 200mm. Tha e air a dhèanamh de almain alloy stuth tro roiligeadh, buain, bleith agus pròiseasan eile.

Tha buannachdan cuideam aotrom aig rolla jumbo foil alùmanum, plastaigeachd làidir, uisge-dhìonach, strì an aghaidh creimeadh, insulation teas, etc., so it is widely used in many fields.

Aluminum foil jumbo roll can be divided into soft aluminum foil and hard aluminum foil. Soft aluminum foil is more flexible and suitable for packaging and other fields, while hard aluminum foil is harder and more suitable for construction materials and industrial fields.

Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Dimensions of Aluminum foil Jumbo Roll

Leud is generally between 200-1800mm, among which 1000mm and 1200mm are relatively common width specifications, but there are also products with other width specifications.

Tigheadas is usually between 0.005-0.2mm, and the specification of 0.01-0.02mm is the most widely used.

In addition to width and thickness, the weight of the aluminum foil jumbo roll is also an important indicator. Anns an fharsaingeachd, the weight of aluminum foil jumbo rolls will vary according to their width, thickness, and length, and is also affected by the negotiation between aluminum foil manufacturers and customers.

Note: The dimensions of aluminum foil jumbo roll may vary slightly due to different manufacturers and uses.

Hot sale alloy model of aluminum foil jumbo roll

1145 foil alúmanaim alloy
1200 foil alúmanaim alloy
1235 foil alúmanaim alloy
3003 foil alúmanaim alloy
8006 foil alúmanaim alloy
8011 foil alúmanaim alloy
8021 foil alúmanaim alloy
8079 foil alúmanaim alloy

Aluminum foil jumbo roll price in china

Aluminum foil jumbo roll price in china varies due to factors such as product specifications, manufacturers, market demand, etc., and generally has certain fluctuations.

Currently on the market, the price of large rolls of aluminum foil with general specifications ranges from RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 per ton. The specific price also needs to be determined according to specific circumstances such as customer demand, product specifications, quantity, and delivery date.

What is the use of aluminum foil jumbo roll?

Aluminum foil for medicine and lunch boxes

Aluminum foil jumbo roll for medicine and lunch boxes

Aluminum foil for tobacco and food packaging

Aluminum foil roll for tobacco and food packaging

China’s hot exporter of aluminum foil jumbo rolls

Na Stàitean AonaichteNa h-InnseachanIapanSouth KoreaEuropean countries

A bharrachd air, countries in Southeast Asia are also hot exporters of HUAWEI Aluminum’s aluminum foil rolls.

Carson a thaghas sinn?

Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr. na stiùiriche air mòran de luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean alùmanum ann an Sìona. Tha sinn a 'cumail smachd teann air càileachd agus a' cuimseachadh air luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi co-obrachadh domhainn againn leat agus seirbheisean OEM àbhaisteach a thoirt dhut airson toraidhean stuthan alùmanum àrd-inbhe. Ma tha thu airson na prìsean as ùire agus as fheàrr fhaighinn a rèir gach kg no gach tunna de chuideam àbhaisteach, cuiribh fios thugainn.

Loidhne cinneasachaidh foil alùmanum


  • Pacaid: Cùis fiodha
  • Sònrachadh cùise fiodha àbhaisteach: Fad * Leud * Àrd = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Aon uair 's gu bheil feum air,dh’ fhaodadh meud cùis fiodha ath-dhealbhadh mar a dh’ fheumar.
  • A rèir cùis fiodha Sgèile Làn Cuideam: 500-700KG Cuideam lom: 450-650KG
  • Thoir iomradh: Airson riatanasan pacaidh sònraichte, cuirear ris a rèir sin.