Lìbhrigeadh 20 tonna de foil taighe alùmanum 8011 ann an rolla jumbo gu Bosnia agus Herzegovina

Lìbhrigeadh 20 tonna de foil taighe alùmanum 8011 ann an rolla jumbo gu Bosnia agus Herzegovina

Tha foil dachaigh air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an còcaireachd, reothadh, gleidheadh, bèicearachd agus gnìomhachasan eile. Tha na buannachdan aig pàipear foil alùmanum cuidhteasach airson cleachdadh goireasach, sàbhailteachd, slàintealachd, gun bholadh agus gun aodion. Anns a 'frids no an reothadair, faodar foil alùmanum a phasgadh gu dìreach air a’ bhiadh, a chumas am biadh bho bhith a’ deformachadh, seachain call uisge an iasgaich, glasraich, measan agus soithichean, and prevent the leakage or mixing of taste. Because aluminum foil has good and uniform thermal conductivity and heating effect, it can be used in ovens and steamers to heat directly on the original packaging. A bharrachd air, the use of aluminum foil packaging food also has the characteristics of high resource recovery and reuse rate, ‘s e sin, it protects the environment and reduces resource waste, and has good social benefits.

Order detail

Ainm toraidh: aluminum household foil 8011 in jumbo rolls

  • ID: 76MM
  • Roll Weight: <135 kg
  • Core: Aluminum Core
0.009*280 mm
0.01*280 mm

aluminum household foil 8011 in jumbo rolls