Dè a th ’ann am pacadh bìdh rolla foil alùmanum 8011

Mar a tha fios againn uile, tha foil alùmanum air a chleachdadh gu farsaing nar beatha làitheil, gu sònraichte ann an raon pacaidh bìdh.

Rolla foil alùmanum 8011 na stuth pacaidh bìdh cumanta. 8011 Is e alloy alùmanum àrd-inbhe a th’ ann an alloy alùmanum le sùbailteachd math, neart agus strì an aghaidh creimeadh. Tha an seòrsa foil alùmanum seo air a chleachdadh gu cumanta airson pacadh bìdh.

Rolla Foil Alùmanum Pacadh Bidhe 8011
Rolla Foil Alùmanum Pacadh Bidhe 8011

8011 aluminum foil is also called food aluminum foil.

Chemical composition of 8011 foil almain

AgusCuTha mgZnMnCrFeAsOtherOther totalAl
0.50 ~ 0.90 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.050.60 ~ 1.0 0.08 0.05 0.15remainder

Features Of Food Packaging Aluminium Foil Roll 8011

  • 1. The raw materials are non-toxic, quality and safe;
  • 2. It is easy to heat and does not produce harmful substances after heating;
  • 3. Easy to form and seal, ensuring food hygiene;
  • 4. It has strong barrier properties and can protect the original flavor of food after sealing and extend the shelf life of food;
  • 5. It can be effectively recycled and reused, protecting the environment and saving resources.

What Is The Temper Of 8011 Aluminium Foil Roll

8011 aluminum foil can be divided into hard foil (H18 state), semi-hard foil (H14/H24 state) and soft foil (O state) according to the state.

  • (1) Hard foil: Aluminum foil that has not been softened (anail) after rolling, and has no residue on the surface without degreasing. Uime sin, rigid foil must be degreased before printing, lamination, and coating. If it is used for forming processing, it can be used directly.
  • (2) Semi-hard foil: Aluminum foil whose hardness (or strength) is between hard foil and soft foil, usually used for forming processing.
  • (3) Soft foil: Aluminum foil that has been fully annealed and softened after rolling. The material is soft and there is no residual oil on the surface. Currently, most application fields, such as packaging, composites, electrical materials, etc., use soft foils.

There are also quarter hard foil and three quarter hard foil.

8011 Aluminum Alloy Foil
8011 Aluminum Alloy Foil

Quarter hard foil: refers to aluminum foil whose tensile strength is between soft foil and semi-hard foil. Application areas include air-conditioning foils, etc.

Three-quarter hard foil: refers to aluminum foil whose tensile strength is between full hard foil and semi-hard foil. Application areas include air-conditioning foil, foil for aluminum-plastic pipes, etc.

Iarrtas de 8011 foil almain

8011 foil almain is a kind of aluminum foil that is very suitable for food packaging, but the application of 8011 aluminum foil is not only food packaging.

8011 aluminum foil can also be used in aluminum foil lunch boxes, pacadh cungaidh-leigheis, aluminum foil tape and other fields.

Carson a thaghas sinn?

Tha Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Earr. na stiùiriche air mòran de luchd-saothrachaidh agus solaraichean alùmanum ann an Sìona. Tha sinn a 'cumail smachd teann air càileachd agus a' cuimseachadh air luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi co-obrachadh domhainn againn leat agus seirbheisean OEM àbhaisteach a thoirt dhut airson toraidhean stuthan alùmanum àrd-inbhe. Ma tha thu airson na prìsean as ùire agus as fheàrr fhaighinn a rèir gach kg no gach tunna de chuideam àbhaisteach, cuiribh fios thugainn.

Loidhne cinneasachaidh foil alùmanum


  • Pacaid: Cùis fiodha
  • Sònrachadh cùise fiodha àbhaisteach: Fad * Leud * Àrd = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Aon uair 's gu bheil feum air,dh’ fhaodadh meud cùis fiodha ath-dhealbhadh mar a dh’ fheumar.
  • A rèir cùis fiodha Sgèile Làn Cuideam: 500-700KG Cuideam lom: 450-650KG
  • Thoir iomradh: Airson riatanasan pacaidh sònraichte, cuirear ris a rèir sin.