Tha e na fheart de roiligeadh bogsa alùmanum gu bheil e duilich smachd a chumail air an claonadh tighead. Tha an eadar-dhealachadh tiugh de 3% chan eil e doirbh smachd a chumail air ann an cinneasachadh truinnsear agus stiallan, ach tha e nas duilghe smachd a chumail air cinneasachadh foil almain.
Mar a bhios tiugh a’ bhogsa alùmanum a’ fàs nas taine, faodaidh na meanbh-chumhaichean buaidh a thoirt air, leithid teòthachd, film ola, and oil and gas concentration. A roll of aluminum foil can be rolled up to hundreds of thousands of meters, and the rolling time is as long as about 10 uairean, and the error of thickness measurement is easy to form with time.
The only way to adjust the thickness of aluminum foil is tension and speed.
These factors have caused difficulties in thickness control of aluminum foil rolling.
Uime sin, to truly control the thickness difference of the aluminum box within 3%, many conditions are needed to ensure: use the aluminum foil blank of the qualified thickness; adjust and control the reduction and roll shape during rolling, and the roll is ground according to the specified parameters ; Stabilize the rolling process; frequently measure the thickness of the aluminum box during the rolling process, so as not to be undetected when the side thickness system fails.