A bheil foil alùmanum sàbhailte airson a chleachdadh ann an àmhainn microwave dealain?

A bheil foil alùmanum sàbhailte airson a chleachdadh ann an àmhainn microwave dealain?

A bheil am foil alùmanum san àmhainn puinnseanta?

Feuch an toir thu aire don eadar-dhealachadh eadar an àmhainn agus am microwave. Tha prionnsapalan teasachaidh eadar-dhealaichte aca agus diofar innealan.

Mar as trice bidh an àmhainn air a theasachadh le uèirichean teasachaidh dealain no pìoban teasachaidh dealain. Bidh àmhainnean microwave an urra ri microwave airson teasachadh.

The oven heating tube is a heating element that can heat the air and food in the oven after the oven is powered on. The heating tube has only one kind of power. When the required temperature is reached in the oven, the heating tube will be powered off, and after the box gradually cools down, the heating tube will be energized and heated again.

Microwave ovens can use material lunch boxes: high temperature resistant plastic products (usually marked for microwave ovens), glass products, porcelain bowls, and metal products such as stainless steel products cannot be used.

The oven can use material lunch boxes: high temperature resistant glass products, porcelain bowls, stainless steel bowls, plastic products cannot be used. Anns an fharsaingeachd, the oven has an oven rack, and it is enough to wrap the tin foil for baking and cooking. This method is better. Neither glass products nor porcelain products can be guaranteed to be 100% non-bursting.