Ceannaich foil alùmanum còmhdaichte, neach-dèanamh a tha air a mholadh -HUAWEI Aluminium?

Ceannaich foil alùmanum còmhdaichte, neach-dèanamh a tha air a mholadh -HUAWEI Aluminium?

Chan e rud ùr a th’ ann am bogsa lòn foil alùmanum, ach tha e dha-rìribh an dà no trì bliadhna mu dheireadh gu sònraichte gnìomhach.

Gu sònraichte, am bogsa lòn foil alùmanum seulachaidh teth, oir is e seo a’ chiad bhiadh ròin agus an uairsin dì-ghalarachadh còcaireachd aig teòthachd àrd, anns an neach-cleachdaidh am blas fhosgladh ron ìre as àirde dèanamh cinnteach à sàbhailteachd bìdh agus slàinte, làn teanntachd, agus faodaidh cnap-starra àrd a bhith na dheagh bhlas biadh glasaidh cuideachd. Even if the food is cooled because of long transportation time and busy work, it can be easily reheated by the microwave oven, oven, or even open flame. Uime sin, a hot sealed aluminum foil lunch box has become the best choice to realize delicious, safe, healthy, and convenient takeout food.

Please pay attention to several keywords: sealing, high-temperature cooking disinfection, safety and hygiene, suitable for oven, and even open flame heating.

Aviation aluminum foil lunch box

Aviation aluminum foil lunch box

Mar a tha fios againn uile, there are many kinds of food, I wonder if anyone is wondering, when liquid or acidic or high oil and sugar food with the inside of the box directly contact, can withstand the test of high temperature? Is there a lysate or new product that could affect food safety?

The quality of coated aluminum foil is important, and its safety is more important.

Uime sin, if you want to purchase safe coated aluminum foil, you can try to contact HUAWEI Aluminum. We have had in-depth communication with many coating aluminum foil factories. Comparatively speaking, HUAWEI has done the most meticulous work on security and application performance verification. The whole R&D and application team is also very pragmatic.

And indeed, HUAWEI’s coated aluminum foil has been available to China’s top airlines for more than a decade.

Also do not rule out the possibility of better suppliers existing, welcome to discuss.