Is e an alùmanum foil alùmanum as cumanta ann an tagraidhean pacaidh bìdh 8011. Aluminium alloy 8011 na alloy àbhaisteach de foil alùmanum agus tha e air a thighinn gu bhith na inbhe gnìomhachais airson pacadh bìdh air sgàth a fheartan sàr-mhath. Seo cuid de na h-adhbharan airson alloy 8011 air leth freagarrach airson pacadh bìdh:
Coileanadh math bacaidh: Foil alùmanum air a dhèanamh de 8011 faodaidh alloy casg a chuir air taiseachd gu h-èifeachdach, ocsaidean agus solas, helping to protect food and keep freshness for a longer time.
Flexibility and formability: Aluminum foil made from this alloy is highly flexible and easy to form, making it suitable for packaging food in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Giùlan teirmeach: Aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and can be heated and cooled quickly, suitable for hot and cold food applications.
Safe and Non-Toxic: Aluminum foil is considered safe for food contact and does not impart any unpleasant taste or odor to the food it wraps.
Recyclability: Aluminum is a recyclable material, and the recycling process uses significantly less energy than producing new aluminium, making it an environmentally friendly choice.