Dè an diofar eadar 6063 agus 6061 almain alloy?

Dè an diofar eadar 6063 agus 6061 almain alloy?

Tha na prìomh eileamaidean de alloying 6063 Is e magnesium agus silicon a th’ ann an alloy alùmanum. Tha coileanadh innealachaidh sàr-mhath aige, weldability sàr-mhath, eas-umhlachd, agus coileanadh electroplating, deagh aghaidh creimeadh, cruas, snasadh furasta, còmhdachadh, agus buaidh anodizing sàr-mhath.

Is e alloy àbhaisteach eas-chruthach a th’ ann a thathas a ’cleachdadh gu farsaing ann am pròifilean togail, pìoban uisgeachaidh, pìoban, pòlaichean agus feansaichean carbaid, àirneis, elevators, fences, etc.

6063 is typically used to build contours.

Tha na prìomh eileamaidean de alloying 6061 Is e magnesium agus silicon a th’ ann an alloy alùmanum, forming Mg2Si.

If it contains a certain amount of manganese and chromium, it can neutralize the adverse effects of iron; Sometimes, small amounts of copper or zinc are added to increase the strength of the alloy without significantly reducing its corrosion resistance.

between 6063 agus 6061 almain alloy

There is also a small amount of copper in the conductive material to offset the adverse effect of titanium and iron on the conductivity, Or zirconium and titanium can refine the grain and control the recrystallized structure; Lead and bismuth may be added to improve machinability.

In Mg2Si, the Mg/Si ratio is 1.73. In the heat treatment state, Mg2Si is dissolved in aluminum, so that the alloy has the function of artificial aging hardening.

6061 Industrial structural parts are required to have a certain strength, weldability, and high corrosion resistance.

6061 requires a variety of industrial structures with a certain strength, weldability, and corrosion resistance, such as pipes, rods, profiles, and plates used in the manufacture of trucks, tower buildings, ships, trams, àirneis, machine parts, precision machining, etc.

Anns an fharsaingeachd, there are more alloying elements in 6061 than in 6063, so the material strength is higher.