What is aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging

Aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging is usually composed of aluminum foil, película plástica, e unha capa de cola. A folla de aluminio ten moitas vantaxes como material de embalaxe, como a proba de humidade, propiedades anti-oxidación e anti-ultravioleta, e pode protexer eficazmente os medicamentos da luz, osíxeno, e humidade.

Aluminium foil for pharmaceutical packaging also has good sealing and plasticity, so pharmaceuticals can be better kept in a dry, sterile, and safe environment. Ademais, the high-grade appearance of aluminium foil can enhance the brand image and market competitiveness of pharmaceuticals.

Papel de aluminio para envases de medicamentos

Papel de aluminio para envases de medicamentos

The advantages of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging include:

  • Good oxygen barrier performance: it can effectively prevent the active ingredients in the medicine from being oxidized or decomposed, and ensure the stability and activity of the medicine.
  • Good moisture barrier performance: it can effectively prevent the medicine from being intruded on by moisture and reduce the quality and safety of the medicine.
  • Good light-shielding performance: it can effectively prevent medicines from being irradiated by light, and prevent medicines from being oxidized or decomposed by light.
  • Good heat resistance: Aluminium foil for pharmaceutical packaging can be used for a long time at high temperatures without melting or deformation, which ensures the safety and stability of pharmaceuticals.
  • Light and easy to carry: Aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging is thin and light, easy to carry and store.

Product type

Application scenarios of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging

  1. Medicine package
  2. Medical Device Packaging
  3. Health product packaging

Papel de aluminio para envases farmacéuticos

Papel de aluminio para envases farmacéuticos

Por que escollernos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. é o líder de moitos fabricantes e provedores de aluminio en China. Controlamos rigorosamente a calidade e centrámonos nos clientes. Esperamos ter unha cooperación en profundidade contigo e ofrecerche produtos de aluminio de alta calidade e servizos personalizados de OEM. Se queres obter os prezos máis novos e mellores por kg ou por tonelada de peso estándar, póñase en contacto connosco.

Liña de produción de folla de aluminio


  • Paquete: Caixa de madeira
  • Especificación estándar da caixa de madeira: Lonxitude * Ancho * Alto = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Unha vez necesario,As dimensións da caixa de madeira poderían ser redeseñadas segundo sexa necesario.
  • Por caixa de madeira Báscula de peso bruto: 500-700KG Peso Neto: 450-650KG
  • Observación: Para requisitos especiais de embalaxe, correspondente engadirase en consecuencia.