What is industrial aluminum foil roll

Industrial aluminum foil rolls are jumbo aluminum foil, de uso habitual en diversas aplicacións industriais. A folla de aluminio industrial é fina, chapa flexible de aluminio metálico, producida por laminación de chapas de aluminio fundidas a partir de aluminio fundido a través dunha serie de laminadores para reducir o espesor e crear especificacións uniformes..
Industrial aluminum foil rolls are different from household aluminum foil. Industrial aluminum is much larger in size than household aluminum foil.


Uses of industrial aluminum foil rolls

Some common uses for industrial aluminum foil rolls include:

Use as thermal insulation: Jumbo aluminum foil is an excellent thermal insulator and is often used in the construction industry to wrap insulation materials. It helps reflect heat and prevent thermal energy loss.

Industrial foils for packaging: Industrial aluminum foil rolls are used for packaging a variety of products, especially in the food and beverage industry. They are often used to wrap and seal items to protect them from moisture, luz, e contaminantes.

Industrial Foils for Electronics: Aluminum foil has a variety of uses in the electronics industry, such as shielding electronic components from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).

Industrial Foils for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning): Aluminum foil is used as duct material in HVAC systems. It helps isolate and direct the flow of air in heating and cooling systems.

Industrial foils for lamination: Aluminum foil is often laminated with other materials to form composites with specific properties, such as moisture resistance, heat resistance or barrier properties.

Industrial Foils for Automotive: Aluminum foil is used in the automotive industry for applications such as thermal insulation or as a component of certain automotive parts.

Industrial aluminum foil roll application types

Household Aluminum Foil

8011\1235O0.006-0.015mm100-1600mmSingle light
UseUsed for various household barbecue, food preservation

Aluminum Foil For Food Container

8011\3003O\H22\H240.03-0.2mm50-1600mmDouble-sided light
UseUsed to make all kinds of aluminum foil container and aviation lunch box

Electronic Label Foil



100-900mmDouble light/Single light
UseUsed for making all sorts of EAS,RFID tag with base material

Honeycomb Aluminum Foil

3003H18\H190.03-0.1mm100-1000mmDouble-sided light
UseUsed for making all sorts of EAS,RFID tag with base material

Industrial Aluminum Foil For Lid Foil

8011O0.025-0.04mm300-1000mmDouble light/single light
UseLid applied to the top of a food container and yogurt cups

Aluminum Foil For Air Conditioner

8011\3012O\H22\H240.09-0.16mm100-1200mmDouble-sided light
UseUsed for production of the air conditioning wing piece

Pharmaceutical aluminium foil

8011/8021/1235O/H180.020-0.030mm200-1300mmSingle light
UseHeavy duty blister foil for pharmaceutical uses

Aluminum Foil for Cable or Lithium Battery

8011\1060O\H22\H240.009-0.02mm100-1000mmDouble light/Sigle light
UseUsed to make all kinds of optical cable shielding and lithium battery base material

Aluminum Strip for Cable

8011\1100O\H22\H240.09-0.2mm100-1200mmDouble-sided light
useUsed for production of the cable to use base material


Por que escollernos?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. é o líder de moitos fabricantes e provedores de aluminio en China. Controlamos rigorosamente a calidade e centrámonos nos clientes. Esperamos ter unha cooperación en profundidade contigo e ofrecerche produtos de aluminio de alta calidade e servizos personalizados de OEM. Se queres obter os prezos máis novos e mellores por kg ou por tonelada de peso estándar, póñase en contacto connosco.

Liña de produción de folla de aluminio


  • Paquete: Caixa de madeira
  • Especificación estándar da caixa de madeira: Lonxitude * Ancho * Alto = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Unha vez necesario,As dimensións da caixa de madeira poderían ser redeseñadas segundo sexa necesario.
  • Por caixa de madeira Báscula de peso bruto: 500-700KG Peso Neto: 450-650KG
  • Observación: Para requisitos especiais de embalaxe, correspondente engadirase en consecuencia.