Menene 1200 aluminum foil?

1200 aluminum foil for industrial pure aluminum, filastik, juriya na lalata, high lantarki watsin, da thermal conductivity, amma ƙananan ƙarfi, zafi magani ba za a iya ƙarfafa, rashin aiki na injina. Wannan abu ne mai ƙarfi na aluminum wanda zai iya wuce maganin zafi, Ƙarfin filastik a ƙarƙashin quenching da sababbin jihohin da aka kashe, and cold strength during spot welding and gas welding.

1200 aluminum gami can be made into a chemical material after quenching and hardening. Good performance, but low flame chemical resistance: or low chemical resistance. Lead-treated and aluminized surfaces are commonly used to improve their corrosion resistance.

1200 aluminum foil

Mainly used for manufacturing various high-load parts. And aircraft parts, leather, bulkheads, ribs, spars, nails, and other (but not accessory forgings) °C working parts. Aluminum alloy is the most widely used non-ferrous metal structure material in aviation, sararin samaniya, automobile, da masana'antar injina.

Chemical Composition of Alloy aluminium 1200


Mechanical properties of aluminum foil 1200

Ƙarfin ƙarfi(MPa)Yield strength(MPa)Elongation at break (depending on thickness)(%)Brinell hardness(HB)
1200-O75 1052519 3323
1200-H16120 170110 1151 342
1200-H18> 1501301 245

The advantages and characteristics of 1200 aluminum foil

  1. Sterile and tasteless;
  2. Easy to recycle without loss of quality;
  3. Shading, wear-resisting, tabbatar da danshi, durable, kyau sealing, and insulation;
  4. Make different colors and exquisite patterns for decoration;
  5. Good thermal conductivity and reflectivity, compared with other alloys, strong weldability;
  6. Stable form, suitable for different humidity environments.


Menene aikace-aikace na 1200 aluminum foil?

  • Air conditioning and refrigeration industry
  • Food processing industry
  • Household goods industry
  • Decoration industry
  • Industrial application

Me yasa zabar mu?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd., Ltd. shine jagoran masana'antar aluminium da yawa a China. Muna tsananin sarrafa inganci kuma muna mai da hankali kan abokan ciniki. Muna fatan samun haɗin kai mai zurfi tare da ku kuma muna samar muku da samfuran kayan aikin aluminum masu inganci na al'ada sabis na OEM. Idan kuna son samun sabbin sabbin farashi mafi kyau ta kowace kg ko kowace ton daidaitaccen nauyi, don Allah a tuntube mu.

Aluminum foil samar line


  • Kunshin: Kayan katako
  • Daidaitaccen shari'ar katako: Tsawon *Nisa* Tsawo=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Da zarar an buƙata,Za a iya sake fasalin girman yanayin katako kamar yadda ake buƙata.
  • Kowane shari'ar katako Babban ma'aunin nauyi: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Magana: Don buƙatun marufi na musamman, daidai za a ƙara daidai.