What is aluminum foil for composite foil

Aluminum foil for composite foil is an aluminum foil product used to make composite materials. Laminated foils yawanci ya ƙunshi nau'i biyu ko fiye na fina-finai na kayan daban-daban, aƙalla ɗaya daga cikinsu shine foil na aluminum. Ana iya haɗa waɗannan fina-finai tare ta amfani da zafi da matsa lamba don samar da abubuwan haɗin gwiwa tare da ayyuka masu yawa.

Fa'idodin foil na aluminium don foil ɗin da aka haɗa

  • Good moisture-proof performance: aluminum foil can effectively isolate air and moisture, so that the composite foil can have good moisture-proof performance.
  • Good heat insulation performance: aluminum foil has good heat insulation performance, which can effectively reduce heat transfer, so that the composite foil can be used in high temperature environments.
  • Good oxygen barrier performance: aluminum foil can prevent oxygen from entering the composite material, thus prolonging the shelf life of the product.

Composite Foil Dimensions

Kauri: 0.005mm-0.2mm
Nisa: 100mm-2000mm
Tsawon: unlimited length
Inner diameter of the paper core: the inner diameter of the paper core is usually 76mm or 152mm


The material laminated aluminium foil: poly, woven, kraft paper etc

Aluminum foil backed kraft paper

  • Kauri: 0.1mm – 3mm
  • Nisa: 800mm – 1300mm

The thickness of kraft paper: 0.12mm – 0.2mm

Function: Moisture-proof, anti-scratch aluminum coil. Heat insulation, heat preservation and other effects. The glue will not open or fall off after being soaked in water for 24 hours. It has strong weather resistance and is not subject to bad conditions caused by temperature changes.

Me yasa zabar mu?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd., Ltd. shine jagoran masana'antar aluminium da yawa a China. Muna tsananin sarrafa inganci kuma muna mai da hankali kan abokan ciniki. Muna fatan samun haɗin kai mai zurfi tare da ku kuma muna samar muku da samfuran kayan aikin aluminum masu inganci na al'ada sabis na OEM. Idan kuna son samun sabbin sabbin farashi mafi kyau ta kowace kg ko kowace ton daidaitaccen nauyi, don Allah a tuntube mu.

Aluminum foil samar line


  • Kunshin: Kayan katako
  • Daidaitaccen shari'ar katako: Tsawon *Nisa* Tsawo=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Da zarar an buƙata,Za a iya sake fasalin girman yanayin katako kamar yadda ake buƙata.
  • Kowane shari'ar katako Babban ma'aunin nauyi: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Magana: Don buƙatun marufi na musamman, daidai za a ƙara daidai.