Ƙayyadaddun kayan abinci na aluminum foil

Ƙayyadaddun kayan abinci na aluminum foil

Kunshin abinci na aluminum foil yana da alaƙa da lafiyar ɗan adam da aminci, kuma yawanci ana samarwa tare da ƙayyadaddun ƙayyadaddun bayanai da halaye don tabbatar da dacewarsa ga masana'antar abinci. Wadannan su ne wasu ƙayyadaddun ƙayyadaddun ƙayyadaddun foil na aluminum don marufi abinci:

Abincin marufi na foil gami iri:

Aluminum foil da ake amfani da shi don marufi abinci yawanci ana yin shi daga 1xxx, 3xxx ko 8xxx jerin gami. Common alloys include 1235, 8011 kuma 3003, 3004.

Food packaging foil thickness:

Aluminum foil don shirya abinci comes in a variety of thicknesses, usually measured in microns or mils. Common thickness ranges from 10 ku 25 microns (0.01 ku 0.025 mm), specifically 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20mm.

Width and length:

Aluminum foil rolls are available in different widths and lengths to meet different packaging needs. The width ranges from 10mm to 1500mm, specifically 520, 590, 620, 680, 740, 820, 860, 920, 960, 1020mm

Food foil surface finish:

The surface of aluminum foil can come in different finishes, including matte and glossy. The choice of finish may depend on the desired appearance and printing requirements.

Food foil embossing and coating:

Food packaging foil may be embossed to increase its strength and flexibility.

Food foil heat resistance:

Food packaging aluminum foil should have good heat resistance to withstand the temperatures involved in cooking, baking or other food preparation processes.

Food foil barrier properties:

Aluminum foil does a great job of blocking light, danshi, gases, da wari. These barrier properties help protect food from external factors that may affect its quality.

Huawei aluminum foil factory can produce the product specifications required for bone rings according to a variety of standards.