Shin kun taɓa cin gasasshen kifi ko sittin da shida, kuma tabbas kun ga wannan foil ɗin gwangwani, amma kun ga ana amfani da wannan abu a cikin sarari?
That’s right it’s called decorative foil (kayan ado gwangwani). Gabaɗaya, ana iya amfani dashi a bango, manyan kabad, ko kayan aikin fasaha.
Aluminum foil (tinfoil takarda) za a iya knead daga wrinkles, yana haifar da wani nau'i na musamman da kuma m, and the appearance and grade will come up immediately. A lokaci guda, decorative aluminum foil (kayan ado gwangwani) itself has the material characteristics of thermal insulation, good waterproof performance, kuma mai ƙarfi sealing yi. Bugu da kari, it can be matched with various materials and lights to create more diverse levels.
Misali, the design of this retail store, the combination of aluminum foil (kwanon rufi) and Ou Song version, has both layers and a sense of rhythm.
Looking at this case again, it can also be combined with changeable lighting, different lighting colors, and the reflection effect of aluminum foil (tinfoil) to create a dreamy feeling of cyberpunk style.
In this case, decorative aluminum foil (kayan ado gwangwani) is used on the background wall and cabinet, which highlights the texture of its own folds and becomes the visual focus of the space.