Bright aluminum foil

What is bright aluminum foil? Bright aluminum foil is a kind of aluminum foil material with a smooth surface and good reflective properties. It is usually made of high-purity aluminum metal material through multiple precision machining processes. In the manufacturing process, aluminum metal is rolled into very thin sheets, which are then specially treated The rollers are repeatedly rolled until the surfac ...

aluminium ntawv ci tuab

Aluminium ntawv ci tuab

Dab tsi yog tuab aluminium ntawv nyiaj Thick aluminium foil yog hais txog ib hom tshwj xeeb ntawm aluminium ntawv ci uas yog tuab dua li cov ntawv ci txhuas. Feem ntau, lub thickness ntawm cov tuab aluminium ntawv ci yog nruab nrab 0.2-0.3 mm, uas yog ntau thicker tshaj li niaj zaus txhuas ntawv ci. Zoo li cov pa txhuas ntawv ci, tuab aluminium ntawv tseem muaj cov khoom zoo heev, xws li high hluav taws xob conductivity, tiv thaiv hluav taws, corrosion kuj ...

aluminum strip foil for pills foil packaging

Yooj yim tsim kua muag aluminium strip foil rau tshuaj

Pharmaceutical yooj yim-tuag aluminium strip foil Pharmaceutical yooj yim-tua aluminium strip foil yog cov khoom ntim tshuaj ntau, feem ntau yog siv los ntim cov tshuaj xws li cov ntsiav tshuaj ntawm qhov ncauj thiab tshuaj ntsiav. Nws muaj qhov zoo ntawm qhov yooj yim tearing, zoo sealing, dej tsis kam, thiab oxidation tsis kam, uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv qhov zoo thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm cov tshuaj. Pharmaceutical yooj yim-tuag aluminium ...

aluminum lid foil

Aluminium ntawv ci rau lub hau

Dab tsi yog daim ntawv lidding? Lidding ntawv ci, tseem hu ua lub hau ntawv ci los yog lub hau, yog ib daim ntawv nyias ntawm txhuas lossis cov khoom sib xyaw siv los kaw cov ntim xws li khob, jars, thiab cov tais los tiv thaiv cov ntsiab lus hauv. Lidding foils tuaj nyob rau hauv ntau yam duab, qhov ntau thiab tsawg, thiab tsim kom haum ntau hom ntim thiab ntim cov ntawv thov. Lawv tuaj yeem muab luam tawm nrog kev ua lag luam, logos, thiab cov ntaub ntawv khoom siv los txhim kho a ...

aluminum foil for decoration

Aluminium ntawv ci rau kho kom zoo nkauj

Dab tsi yog Aluminium ntawv ci rau kho kom zoo nkauj Aluminium foil rau kho kom zoo nkauj yog ib qho tshwj xeeb ua tiav aluminium ntawv ci khoom, uas yog siv los kho kom zoo nkauj, ntim thiab xuas tes ua hom phiaj. Nws yog feem ntau smoother thiab glossier dua li cov ntawv txhuas txhuas, thiab tuaj yeem luam tawm nrog cov qauv sib txawv thiab xim kom nws cov hniav zoo nkauj thiab pom kev zoo. Kho kom zoo nkauj aluminium ntawv nyiaj feem ntau yog siv los ua lub thawv khoom plig ...

Qhov twg yog cov hniav aluminium foils siv?

Koj puas tau noj cov ntses ci los yog rau caum-rau, thiab koj yuav tsum tau pom daim ntawv tin no, tab sis koj puas tau pom cov khoom no siv hauv qhov chaw sab hauv tsev? Qhov ntawd yog txoj cai nws hu ua hniav nyiaj hniav kub (hniav tin foil). Feem ntau, nws tuaj yeem siv rau ntawm phab ntsa, cov txee sab saum toj, los yog art installations. Aluminium ntawv nyiaj (daim ntawv tinfoil) tuaj yeem kneaded tawm ntawm wrinkles, ua rau ib tug heev cim thiab abstract reflective kev ntxhib los mos, thiab qhov tshwm sim ...

Peb puas tuaj yeem muab cov ntawv txhuas txhuas rau hauv cov cua fryer?

Raws li lub npe qhia, cua fryer yog lub tshuab uas siv cua rau "kib" zaub mov. Nws los ntawm kev siv lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev kub ceev cua ncig, feem ntau yog los ntawm cov cua sov raj kom cua sov, thiab ces tus kiv cua yuav cua mus rau hauv high-ceev ncig tshav kub txaus, thaum cov zaub mov cua sov, cua kub convection tuaj yeem ua rau cov zaub mov sai sai lub cev qhuav dej, cov roj ntawm ci zaub mov nws tus kheej, thaum kawg, ua golden crispy zaub mov nto, tshwm simila ...


Qhov txawv ntawm Hlau thiab Aluminium

Qhov txawv ntawm Hlau thiab Aluminium Dab tsi yog aluminium hlau? Koj puas paub aluminium? Aluminium yog cov khoom siv hlau uas muaj ntau nyob hauv qhov xwm txheej. Nws yog silvery-dawb lub teeb hlau nrog zoo ductility, corrosion kuj, thiab lightness. Aluminium hlau tuaj yeem ua rau cov pas nrig (aluminium rods), nplooj ntawv (aluminium daim hlau), foils (aluminium ntawv ci), yob (aluminium rolls), strips (aluminium strips), thiab cov kab. Aluminium ...

Dab tsi yog qhov ua rau foil coiling defects?

Coiling defects feem ntau yog hais txog xoob, txheej channeling, pej thuam zoo li, warping thiab lwm yam. Aluminium ntawv ci yob thaum lub sij hawm winding txheej txheem. Vim tias qhov nro ntawm aluminium ntawv ci yog txwv, txaus nro yog qhov mob los tsim ib qho kev nro gradient. Yog li ntawd, qhov winding zoo kawg nkaus nyob ntawm cov duab zoo, tsim nyog txheej txheem tsis thiab haum precision tes tsho. Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj kom tau txais cov coils nruj ...

Ib sab coated carbon aluminium ntawv ci

Ib leeg-sab carbon-coated aluminium ntawv ci yog ib qho kev hloov kho thev naus laus zis uas siv cov txheej txheem ua haujlwm los kho qhov chaw ntawm cov roj teeb hluav taws xob.. Carbon-coated aluminium ntawv nyiaj / tooj liab ntawv ci yog kom uniformly thiab finely coat dispersed nano-conductive graphite thiab carbon-coated hais rau txhuas ntawv nyiaj / tooj liab ntawv nyiaj. Nws tuaj yeem muab cov electrostatic conductivity zoo heev, sau cov micro tam sim no ...

plain aluminum foil

Qhov kev txiav txim ntawm cov ntawv txhuas dawb #05231048 ( export rau UK )

Khoom npe: dawb aluminium foil SIZE (MM) ALLOY / TEMPER 0.1MM * 1220MM * 200M 8011 O