6 mic aluminijska folija kratak pregled

6 mic aluminum foil is one of the very commonly used lagana aluminijska folija.6 mic are equal to 0.006 milimetara, poznata kao dvostruka nula šest aluminijska folija u Kini.

aluminijski mikrofon 6 properties

Vlačna čvrstoća:48 ksi (330 MPa)
Granica tečenja:36 ksi (250 MPa)
Tvrdoća:70-80 Brinell
  • Machinability: Easy to process due to its homogeneity and low internal stress level.
  • Dimensional Stability: It has excellent dimensional stability, which means it can maintain its shape and size under different temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Solderability: Solderable using standard soldering techniques.
  • Otpornost na koroziju: It has good corrosion resistance, especially in mildly corrosive environments.
  • Anodizing Capability: Can be anodized to improve its corrosion resistance, hardness, and appearance.

How do you test the microns of 6 mic aluminijska folija?

Use a micrometer to measure the width and thickness of the aluminum foil. Place the micrometer over the edge of the foil, gently flatten the foil, and take the reading on the display. Measurements are taken at multiple locations and the average is calculated.

*6 mic aluminum foil measurement

*6 mic aluminum foil measurement

Use a scale to weigh a sheet of aluminium foil, then divide that by the area to get the weight per square meter. According to the density of aluminum foil (2.7 g/cm3), the thickness can be calculated.

A more accurate test can be done using an electron microscope. Observe the surface of the aluminium foil under a microscope to measure the thickness and width of the aluminium foil. This method can provide more accurate micron-scale measurement results.

How many microns should the aluminum foil be?

The thickness of the aluminum foil is usually between 6 microns and 40 mikrona, and the most common thicknesses are 9 microns and 18 mikrona. Different uses and applications require different thicknesses.

Na primjer, thinner aluminium foil can be used for food packaging, while thicker aluminium foil can be used for shielding and protection of electronic equipment. When purchasing aluminum foil, the appropriate thickness should be selected according to actual needs.

Zašto izabrati nas?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., doo. je lider mnogih proizvođača i dobavljača aluminija u Kini. Strogo kontroliramo kvalitetu i fokusiramo se na kupce. Nadamo se da ćemo imati dubinsku suradnju s vama i pružiti vam visokokvalitetne proizvode od aluminijskih materijala prilagođene OEM uslugama. Ako želite dobiti najnovije i najbolje cijene po kg ili toni standardne težine, molimo kontaktirajte nas.

Linija za proizvodnju aluminijske folije


  • Paket: Drvena kutija
  • Specifikacija standardne drvene kutije: Dužina*Širina*Visina=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Jednom potrebno,Dimenzije drvenog kućišta mogu se redizajnirati prema potrebi.
  • Bruto vaga po drvenoj kutiji: 500-700KG Neto težina: 450-650KG
  • Napomena: Za posebne zahtjeve pakiranja, odgovarajuće će se dodati u skladu s tim.