What is medicinal aluminum foil

Pharmaceutical aluminum foil is generally a thinner aluminum foil, ak epesè li yo anjeneral ant 0.02mm ak 0.03mm.

Karakteristik prensipal la nan papye aliminyòm pharmaceutique se ke li gen bon baryè oksijèn, prèv imidite, pwoteksyon ak pwopriyete fre-kenbe, ki ka efektivman pwoteje kalite ak sekirite medikaman yo. Anplis de sa, pharmaceutical aluminum foil also has excellent mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, bending properties, elatriye., and can adapt to different packaging processes and packaging forms.

Pharmaceutical aluminum foil is generally divided into two types: hard pharmaceutical aluminum foil and soft pharmaceutical aluminum foil. Rigid pharmaceutical aluminum foil is usually used to make the packaging of solid medicines such as tablets and capsules, while soft pharmaceutical aluminum foil is suitable for packaging of liquid medicines and oral liquids. Pharmaceutical aluminum foil can also increase its anti-counterfeiting performance and aesthetics through surface treatment, such as printing patterns, text, barcodes, elatriye.


Alyaj: 1145, 8011 elatriye

Epesè: 0.0065mm – 0.05mm

Lajè: 250mm – 1050mm

Product type

Poukisa chwazi nou?

Henan Huawei aliminyòm Co., Ltd. se lidè anpil manifakti aliminyòm ak founisè nan Lachin. Nou estrikteman kontwole bon jan kalite a epi konsantre sou kliyan yo. Nou espere gen koperasyon pwofondè avèk ou epi ba ou bon jan kalite materyèl aliminyòm pwodwi koutim sèvis OEM. Si ou vle jwenn dernye ak pi bon pri yo pou chak kg oswa pou chak tòn pwa estanda, tanpri kontakte nou.

Liy pwodiksyon papye aliminyòm


  • Pake: Ka an bwa
  • Espesifikasyon estanda ka an bwa: Longè * Lajè * Wotè = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Yon fwa nesesè,dimansyon ka an bwa ta ka reamenaje jan sa nesesè.
  • Pou chak ka an bwa echèl pwa brit: 500-700KG Pwa Net: 450-650KG
  • Remak: Pou kondisyon anbalaj espesyal, korespondan yo dwe ajoute kòmsadwa.