Mi a 3005 alufólia?

3005 az alumíniumfólia ötvözet egy gyakrabban használt típusa 3000 sorozatú alumínium fém mellett 3003 és 3004 ötvözetek. Ez egy alumínium fólia termék, amelyből készült 3005 alumíniumötvözet, és számos kiváló tulajdonsággal és alkalmazási területtel rendelkezik. 3Az xxx sorozatú alumíniumötvözetet rozsdaálló alumíniumnak nevezik, amelybe kis mennyiségű mangánt adnak a rozsdaálló teljesítmény javítása érdekében, így 3005 aluminum foil has good corrosion resistance.


3005 aluminum foil alloy composition

Alumínium 3005 Element Content Table (%)

3003 alumínium fólia mechanikai tulajdonságai

Alufólia 3003 is a popular alloy that offers excellent corrosion resistance, moderate strength and good machinability. 3003 alloy can be supplied in a variety of states that vary its mechanical properties.

KedélyFolyáshatár (MPa)Szakítószilárdság (MPa)Megnyúlás (%)Keménység (Brinell HB)
3003-O Aluminum Foil40–5585–12030–40~35
3003-H11 Aluminum Foil80–100115–14520–3040–50
3003-H12 Aluminum Foil90–110120–15015–2545–55
3003-H13 Aluminum Foil100–120130–16012–2050–60
3003-H14 Aluminum Foil105–125140–17010–1855–65
3003-H15 Aluminum Foil115–135150–1808–1660–70
3003-H16 Aluminum Foil125–145160–1906–1465–75
3003-H17 Aluminum Foil135–155170–2004–1070–80
3003-H18 Aluminum Foil145–165180–2102–875–85
3003-H112 Aluminum Foil85–110130–16015–2545–55

3005 aluminum alloy types

Aluminum foil is a product form of 3005 ötvözet, and can also be processed into various types of aluminum products.

  • 3005 aluminum plate
  • 3005 alumínium tekercs
  • 3005 alumínium szalag
  • 3005 aluminum circle
  • 3005 aluminum rod
  • 3005 aluminum profile
  • 3005 aluminum ingot

A teljesítmény előnyei 3005 alufólia

As a commonly used rust-proof aluminum alloy, 3005 aluminum foil alloy has excellent corrosion resistance and good performance in other aspects.

Corrosion resistance of 3003 fólia

3005 aluminum foil has excellent corrosion resistance and is particularly suitable for humid or corrosive environments, such as making painted iron sheets, chemical containers, stb. 3003 foil adds a higher proportion of magnesium and manganese elements, which improves the corrosion resistance of the alloy, especially for seawater and acidic environments.

Good forming and processing performance

3005 aluminum foil is easy to form and process, and can be made into products of various shapes by rolling, nyújtás, deep drawing, stb., which is suitable for the manufacture of complex components. It has good ductility and is suitable for stretching and deep drawing, and can manufacture products of various complex shapes.

Excellent welding performance

3005 aluminum foil has excellent welding performance and can be processed by conventional welding methods such as gas shielded welding, resistance welding, argon arc welding, arc welding, stb. The welded joint has high strength and good interface quality.

Moderate strength and plasticity

3005 aluminum foil has high yield strength and tensile strength, while maintaining a certain toughness, suitable for applications that require high strength and toughness. Its strength is about 20% higher than that of 3003 aluminum plate, and its corrosion resistance is also better.

Good surface treatment performance

3005 aluminum foil has good finish and surface quality after surface treatment, suitable for surface treatment processes such as spraying, anodizing, and electrophoretic coating to increase the decorativeness and corrosion resistance of the product.

Wide application fields

Alumínium 3003 foil can be used in food packaging, building decoration, vehicle manufacturing, chemical equipment, electrical industry and many other fields.

Akkumulátor fólia 3003 alumínium

3003 aluminum foil can be used as battery packaging material. 003 aluminum foil belongs to aluminum-manganese alloy, which has low density and high strength, so that the battery packaging material can significantly reduce the overall weight while maintaining structural strength.


3003 aluminum foil is easy to process and can meet the complex shape requirements of battery packaging. During the manufacturing process, various shapes of shells and components can be made by stamping, stretching and other processes. 3003 aluminum foil is often used to make shells for batteries such as lithium-ion batteries. Compared with steel shells, aluminum shells are lighter and safer. Since aluminum shells can be made thinner, batteries of the same capacity can be packaged in aluminum shells to significantly reduce weight and increase energy density.

Miért válassz minket?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Kft. számos alumíniumgyártó és -beszállító vezetője Kínában. Szigorúan ellenőrizzük a minőséget, és az ügyfelekre összpontosítunk. Reméljük, hogy mélyrehatóan együttműködünk Önnel, és kiváló minőségű alumíniumtermékeket kínálunk egyedi OEM szolgáltatásokkal. Ha a legújabb és legjobb árakat szeretné elérni kg-onként vagy tonnánkénti standard tömeg szerint, kérjük lépjen kapcsolatba velünk.

Alumíniumfólia gyártósor


  • Csomag: Fadoboz
  • Szabványos fa tok specifikáció: Hosszúság*Szélesség*Magasság=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Egyszer szükséges,fa tok mérete igény szerint újratervezhető.
  • Fa dobozonként Bruttó súly mérleg: 500-700KG Nettó tömeg: 450-650KG
  • Megjegyzés: Különleges csomagolási követelményekhez, ennek megfelelően ki kell egészíteni.