Mi a 9 mikronos alumínium fólia?

9 A mikronos alumíniumfólia olyan alumíniumfóliára vonatkozik, amelynek vastagsága 9 mikron (vagy 0.009 mm). 9A mikrofon vastagságú fólia nagyon vékony, rugalmas, könnyű és akadályvédelem, és gyakran használják különféle alkalmazásokban. Alufólia 9 A mikrofon maga ezüstös fehér fényű, puha textúra és jó rugalmasság, és jó a nedvességállósága is, légtömörség, fényárnyékolás, kopásállóság, fragrance retention, non-toxic and tasteless properties.


9micron aluminum foil equivalent name

9mikrofon alumínium fólia9mikrofon alumínium fólia9 micron aluminium foil
0.009mm alufólia.009mm alufólia009 alufólia

9mic aluminum foil alloy specification

The alloy specification for 9 micron aluminum foil* usually depends on the intended use, but some common alloys used for thin aluminum foil production are the 1000, 3000, és 8000 sorozat ötvözetek.

Common aluminum alloys used for thin foils such as 9 micron thickness.

1000 series 9miron aluminum foil

1000 sorozat (1050, 1060, 1100)
Fogalmazás: Almost pure aluminum (99% aluminum content or higher).
Tulajdonságok: Excellent corrosion resistance, high conductivity, good formability, low strength.
Common uses: Csomagolás, food and pharmaceutical packaging, and electrical applications.
1050 9mikronos alumínium fólia1050 Alufólia refers to aluminum foil made from 1050 ötvözet, which is nearly pure aluminum with an aluminum content of at least 99.5%. 9 Mikron 1050 Aluminum Foil is an extremely thin sheet of this material, providing excellent corrosion resistance and a smooth, reflective surface. A 1050 alloy has excellent formability and is easy to process, bend, and wrap objects around. 1050 9 Micron Aluminum Foil is ideal for food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic packaging because it forms a barrier to light, oxigén, és nedvesség.
1060 9mikronos alumínium fólia1060 alufólia refers to aluminum foil made from 1060 ötvözet, which, like other alloys in the 1000 sorozat, is almost pure aluminum. 1060 aluminum foil has excellent corrosion resistance and high thermal and electrical conductivity. It has excellent ductility and formability, making it easy to process, especially for packaging and packaging. With a thickness of only 9 mikron, 1060 aluminum is extremely light, flexible and easy to handle, and can be used for a variety of purposes. With high electrical conductivity, it can be used in electrical components such as capacitors, cable shielding, and other electronic parts.

3000 series 9miron aluminum foil

3000 sorozat (3003, 3004)
Fogalmazás: Aluminum-manganese alloy (ról ről 1-1.5% manganese content).
Tulajdonságok: Jó korrózióállóság, higher strength than 1000 sorozat, good formability.
Common uses: Food and beverage packaging, especially packaging that requires slightly higher strength than pure aluminum alloys.
3003 9mikronos alumínium fólia3003 Alufólia refers to aluminum foil made from 3003 ötvözet, which belongs to the 3000 series aluminum alloys. Composed primarily of aluminum (ról ről 98%) and a small amount of manganese (1.0-1.5%), it has greater strength and corrosion resistance than the purer 1000 sorozat ötvözetek. 9 Mikron 3003 Aluminum Foil** is an ultra-thin foil that has manganese added to improve mechanical strength compared to pure 1000 sorozatú alumínium, making it stronger while being lightweight and flexible. 3003 0.009mm aluminum foil is used in food and beverage packaging due to its strength and ability to form a protective barrier, especially where a stronger foil is needed, such as juice cartons and heavier foods.

8000 series 9miron aluminum foil

8000 Sorozat (8011, 8021, 8079)
Fogalmazás: Aluminum combined with other elements such as iron and silicon.
Tulajdonságok: This series has excellent strength, good formability and strong barrier properties. It is designed for foil applications.
Common Uses: Élelmiszer csomagolás, pharmaceutical packaging and household foil. It is also widely used for lamination purposes in various industries.
8011 9mikronos alumínium fólia8011 aluminum foil is made from 8011 ötvözet, which belongs to the 8000 series of aluminum alloys and is designed for foil applications. 8011 alloy is composed primarily of aluminum and small amounts of other elements, 9 mikron 8011 aluminum foil has higher strength than 1000 sorozat ötvözetek, making it more durable in a variety of applications. 8011 aluminum foil is an effective barrier to moisture, oxigén, and light, helping to keep food fresh and protect other products from environmental factors. It exhibits good corrosion resistance in typical environments, especially when used in food packaging and pharmaceutical applications. Despite its high strength, 8011 alloy is still easily formable, which means it can be molded into a variety of shapes, beleértve a csomagolást is, blister packs, and lids.
8079 9mikronos alumínium fólia8079 alumínium fólia készül 8079 ötvözet, which belongs to the 8000 series aluminum alloys and is developed for foil applications. 8079 alloy is mainly composed of aluminum and contains a small amount of alloying elements. 9mikrofon 8079 aluminum foil refers to ultra-thin foil with a thickness of 9 mikron (0.009 mm) and good flexibility. Like other 8000 sorozat ötvözetek, 8079 has excellent moisture, fény, oxygen and odor resistance, making it an ideal choice for packaging that needs to preserve and protect the contents.

Miért válassz minket?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Kft. számos alumíniumgyártó és -beszállító vezetője Kínában. Szigorúan ellenőrizzük a minőséget, és az ügyfelekre összpontosítunk. Reméljük, hogy mélyrehatóan együttműködünk Önnel, és kiváló minőségű alumíniumtermékeket kínálunk egyedi OEM szolgáltatásokkal. Ha a legújabb és legjobb árakat szeretné elérni kg-onként vagy tonnánkénti standard tömeg szerint, kérjük lépjen kapcsolatba velünk.

Alumíniumfólia gyártósor


  • Csomag: Fadoboz
  • Szabványos fa tok specifikáció: Hosszúság*Szélesség*Magasság=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Egyszer szükséges,fa tok mérete igény szerint újratervezhető.
  • Fa dobozonként Bruttó súly mérleg: 500-700KG Nettó tömeg: 450-650KG
  • Megjegyzés: Különleges csomagolási követelményekhez, ennek megfelelően ki kell egészíteni.