Sarin coated embossed aluminium foil is an aluminum foil product whose surface is treated with sarin coating and embossing process.
Sarin coating refers to spraying a layer of brightly colored sarin paint on the surface of the aluminum foil. This coating has excellent corrosion resistance and weather resistance, as well as good gloss and toughness, which can protect the surface of the aluminum foil and increase its aesthetics.
The embossing process is to emboss the coated aluminum foil through an embossing machine to form various patterns or patterns, thereby increasing its decoration and three-dimensional effect.
Továbbá, sarin-coated embossed aluminum foil also has high machinability and can be easily processed by die-cutting, dombornyomással, bronzing, stb., so as to meet the needs of different customers.
Coated Embossed Aluminum Foil Roll
Reference: Wikipédia
The above mechanical and physical performance indicators are common standard specifications, and the specific indicators will vary due to different factors such as production equipment, production technology, material composition, and surface coating.
Different customers can customize different specifications of sarin-coated embossed aluminum foil according to their needs and usage requirements.
To sum up, Sarin-coated embossed aluminum foil has the advantages of good corrosion resistance, dekoráció, waterproof and moisture-proof, processability, environmental protection and health, and is widely used in packaging and decoration industries.
Usually used in decoration and packaging industries, such as making high-end gift boxes, dohány csomagolás, wine packaging, kozmetikai csomagolás, stb. It not only has a good decorative effect, but also has moisture-proof, vízálló, anti-oxidation and other properties, which can protect the quality and shelf life of the packaging.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Kft. számos alumíniumgyártó és -beszállító vezetője Kínában. Szigorúan ellenőrizzük a minőséget, és az ügyfelekre összpontosítunk. Reméljük, hogy mélyrehatóan együttműködünk Önnel, és kiváló minőségű alumíniumtermékeket kínálunk egyedi OEM szolgáltatásokkal. Ha a legújabb és legjobb árakat szeretné elérni kg-onként vagy tonnánkénti standard tömeg szerint, kérjük lépjen kapcsolatba velünk.