What is aluminum foil for composite foil

Aluminum foil for composite foil is an aluminum foil product used to make composite materials. Laminated foils usually consist of two or more layers of films of different materials, at least one of which is aluminum foil. These films can be bonded together using heat and pressure to form composites with multiple functions.

Advantages of aluminum foil for composite foil

  • Good moisture-proof performance: aluminum foil can effectively isolate air and moisture, so that the composite foil can have good moisture-proof performance.
  • Góð hitaeinangrunarárangur: aluminum foil has good heat insulation performance, which can effectively reduce heat transfer, so that the composite foil can be used in high temperature environments.
  • Good oxygen barrier performance: aluminum foil can prevent oxygen from entering the composite material, thus prolonging the shelf life of the product.

Composite Foil Dimensions

Þykkt: 0.005mm-0.2mm
Breidd: 100mm-2000mm
Lengd: unlimited length
Inner diameter of the paper core: the inner diameter of the paper core is usually 76mm or 152mm


The material laminated aluminium foil: poly, woven, kraft paper etc

Aluminum foil backed kraft paper

  • Þykkt: 0.1mm – 3mm
  • Breidd: 800mm – 1300mm

The thickness of kraft paper: 0.12mm – 0.2mm

Function: Rakaheldur, anti-scratch aluminum coil. Heat insulation, heat preservation and other effects. The glue will not open or fall off after being soaked in water for 24 klukkustundir. It has strong weather resistance and is not subject to bad conditions caused by temperature changes.

Af hverju að velja okkur?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. er leiðtogi margra álframleiðenda og birgja í Kína. Við höfum strangt eftirlit með gæðum og einbeitum okkur að viðskiptavinum. Við vonumst til að eiga ítarlegt samstarf við þig og veita þér hágæða álefnisvörur sérsniðna OEM þjónustu. Ef þú vilt fá nýjasta og besta verðið fyrir hvert kg eða tonn af staðlaðri þyngd, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur.

Framleiðslulína úr álpappír


  • Pakki: Trékassi
  • Standard tréhylkislýsing: Lengd*Breidd*Hæð=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Einu sinni þörf,Hægt væri að endurhanna viðarhylki eftir þörfum.
  • Hvert trékassa Heildarþyngdarvog: 500-700KG Nettóþyngd: 450-650KG
  • Athugasemd: Fyrir sérstakar kröfur um umbúðir, samsvarandi bætist við í samræmi við það.